CS440/ECE448 Artificial Intelligence, Spring 2025 ================================================================ Major topics in and directions of research in artificial intelligence: basic problem solving techniques, knowledge representation and computer inference, machine learning, natural language understanding, computer vision, robotics, and societal impacts. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 225; one of CS 361, STAT 361, ECE 313, MATH 362, MATH 461, MATH 463, STAT 400 or BIOE 310. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: grades quizzes exams gradsection officehours links On-line Tools ------------- * `MediaSpace <https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/channel/Artificial%2BIntelligence%2B%2528ECE%2B448%2BQG%2529%2B%2528ECE%2B448%2BQU%2529%2BSpring%2B2025/363404462>`_ will host recordings of all lectures. * `CampusWire <https://campuswire.com/c/GC943E4C2>`_ will be used for on-line question answering. The enrollment code is available in the slides for lecture 1. * `PrairieLearn <https://us.prairielearn.com/pl/course_instance/174920>`_ will be used for quizzes. Add yourself to this page. * `Gradescope https://www.gradescope.com/courses/957033>`_ will be used for machine problems. The registration code is published on CampusWire. * `PrairieTest <https://us.prairietest.com/pt/course/6771/>`_ will be used for exams. You will be enrolled by course staff prior to exam 1. Textbook ---------- The textbook is Poole and Mackworth, `Artificial Intelligence <https://artint.info/>`_, 3rd edition. You will also need a reference for Python, which we will use to write the MPs. A good place to start is the the `Python Tutorial <https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/>`_.