
Quizzes will be submitted on PrairieLearn. Each quiz will be available to you one week before the date listed below. Quizzes are due by midnight Urbana time on the date listed below.

After you answer each question, PrairieLearn will tell you whether or not your answer was incorrect. If your answer was incorrect, you will have the opportunity to try again, as many times as you like; only your best score is retained. Each time you try, the basic problem structure will be the same, but the numbers will be different.

You are allowed to submit any quiz late, with a penalty of 5% per day. You may submit at any time during the semester, with a penalty no larger than 50%: even if you submit quiz 1 the day after the final, you can still get up to 50% credit. This penalty is automatically calculated on PrairieLearn, and is displayed to you there.


Warnings about the late penalty

  • The late penalty is not waived for travel, trauma, interviews, religious holidays, or for any illness or injury that leaves you with the use of your hands.