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24 Smart Dumpsters
Joo Yong Chung
Qihang Zhao
Yisi Liu
Bonhyun Ku design_document1.pdf
Team: Joo Yong Chung (jdchung2), QiHang Zhao (qihangz2), Yisi Liu (yisi2)


Although big garbage dumpsters have enabled convenience to the residents of the apartment, there are big issues to the conventional use of these dumpsters. The first problem is that residents often stack the garbage to the point it overflows, thus making a big mess nearby the dumpsters. The second problem is that because it’s open in use for everyone, people who aren’t necessarily the residents of these apartments use these big dumpsters to save their money on garbage. This makes it difficult for the people who actually pay for these services to enable the full benefits of what they pay. The third problem is that because these big dumpsters are so big, it is often difficult for many people to open and close these dumpsters. Therefore, it is often hard for women or elderly people to have the full convenience when throwing their garbage out. The fourth problem is that because these big dumpsters are not locked, when garbage trucks lift these dumpsters, there are often wastes that flow outside the back of the garbage truck and make mess. Lastly, whenever these bins are full, the people simply don’t know whether the dumpsters are full until you get to the dumpsters, making the action of going to the actual dumpster and walking to that place useless.

For all these solutions listed below, we will be using an app that will allow easy access.

- Enabling a sensor in the garbage can that allows the residents to know when the garbage is full or not, and if when full, automatically locks it so that people don’t stack them on top.

- We are going have a lock and unlock feature in the dumpsters that will allow only the people who pay for the garbage service to use them.

- We are going to create an open and close system where the residents simply need to use their phones to open or close the dumpsters automatically.

- We are going to have a map system where the apartment users can track which dumpsters are full or not. If the nearest one is full, then they will be able to check the dumpsters from other areas in which they can throw their garbage to.

- We will make all these dumpsters self-sufficient by enabling a solar-powered battery that doesn’t need to be recharged to have these systems work.


- Easy UI for people access these features
- Strong Protective Components that won't break when people throw garbages
- Working lock/unlock mechanism and automatic open/close mechanism

Laser Harp MIDI Controller with Musical Articulations

Yingxi Hai, Hanze Tu

Laser Harp MIDI Controller with Musical Articulations

Featured Project

Electronic music concerts usually need eye-catching visual aids to create a certain atmosphere. Laser musical instruments is a great way to do this. We have been thinking of this project for a while and it was ECE445 that made this laser harp come true. The novelty of this project is that the harp-like laser device mainly focuses on playing articulations with laser and sensors, as a true universal MIDI controller, to control timbres that are synthesized or sampled. Articulations include piano/forte, vibrato, tremolo, and portamento. With the help of Professors and TAs, we learned how to pick right the components, design PCB, soldering, and program microcontroller. Those skills are not only useful in this class but also really important to electrical engineers. Also, we learned how to use individual strengths, combined with effective teamwork, in the pursuit of meaningful goals.

Project Videos