
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
7 Roomscale 3D LIDAR sensor for hobbiests
Jamie Xu
Terence Lee
Xizheng Fang
Andrew Chen design_document1.pdf
Team members: Jamie Xu, Xizheng Fang, Terence Lee

# Problem:
After the introduction of autopilot by tesla, there has been an explosive interest in autonomous driving up and down the technology world. Companies like uber and google also jumped into the research as soon as this field appeared profitable. One of the vital sensors in obtaining data around the vehicle (along with countless applications in surveying, movie special effects, sim racing, etc) is a LIDAR sensor, that can accurately map the 3D point cloud of the environment around the car. However, while big companies have had the ability to obtain industrial LIDAR solutions for years, the cost of such sensors remain inhibitively high, so much so that there are still no such solutions aimed towards hobbyists at the moment.
The current market environment is as follows, there are multiple offerings by different companies that are on the market, but their target market is all companies with sufficient R&D budget to shell out for the top of the line specs, with weatherproofing, robust housings, millimeter accuracy, and impressive scanning speeds. Of course, with the ever-evolving competitions at the high end, the cost of the devices easily exceeds $10,000, with the cheaper solutions still remaining way above $1,000.
Unfortunately, this situation has left hobbyists and enthusiasts with no way of entering the field.
The only lidar sensors available for hobbyists are 1D sensors also called TOF sensors and 2D sensors only capable of mapping out the top down layout of a room. This left a huge gap in the market for us to explore in our project proposal.

# Solution Overview:
We will build a 3d lidar system aimed directly at the hobbyists, with friendly cost of entry being the main selling point. The idea is to use an off-the-shelf time-of-flight sensor (also called 1D lidar in some cases) to obtain the distance measurements, and to mount it on a 2 axis platform to obtain the polar coordinates of the measured area to be later converted into cartesian coordinates and eventually exported as a point cloud file.

# Solution Components:
## Subsystem #1: time of flight sensor
The time of flight sensor we decided to use support both i2c and UART communication protocol, so an Arduino should be enough to obtain the reading
## Subsystem #2: rotation along the vertical axis
To decrease the cost of the project, we plan to use a DC motor with an optical encoder for the 360-degree continuous rotation. To prevent the wire from getting twisted, a slip ring will be used for the connection
## Subsystem #3: pitching the sensor up and down
There are multiple approaches to achieve this, the easiest of which is to use a digital high precision RC servo to directly pitch the sensor. The drawback of such a design is the large size and rotational inertia of the rotating piece. There can also be more elegant solutions that offset the motor off the rotational platform, or even eliminate it completely using clever gearing, both of which we may explore down the road of optimization.
## Subsystem #4: polar to cartesian coordinate conversion on the microcontroller
This system aims to convert the coordinate systems into the cartesian form that is accepted by most point cloud file formats. The microcontroller will also stream the data points onto a system(probably a computer) using serial communication.
## Subsystem #5 the final point cloud file
This system will be a software on the computer that reads the serial data and outputs a point cloud file for the client to view/incorporate into their own project

# Criterion for Success
- Accurate readout of the distance/angle of the current point of interest
- The ability to output a point cloud file after a full scan of the environment
- The ability to scan the environment within a reasonable time frame(<10 sec)

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Michael Fatina, Jonathan Pan-Doh, Edward Wu

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Featured Project

According to the WHO, 80% of amputees are in developing nations, and less than 3% of that 80% have access to rehabilitative care. In a study by Heidi Witteveen, “the lack of sensory feedback was indicated as one of the major factors of prosthesis abandonment.” A low cost myoelectric prosthetic hand interfaced with a sensory substitution system returns functionality, increases the availability to amputees, and provides users with sensory feedback.

We will work with Aadeel Akhtar to develop a new iteration of his open source, low cost, myoelectric prosthetic hand. The current revision uses eight EMG channels, with sensors placed on the residual limb. A microcontroller communicates with an ADC, runs a classifier to determine the user’s type of grip, and controls motors in the hand achieving desired grips at predetermined velocities.

As requested by Aadeel, the socket and hand will operate independently using separate microcontrollers and interface with each other, providing modularity and customizability. The microcontroller in the socket will interface with the ADC and run the grip classifier, which will be expanded so finger velocities correspond to the amplitude of the user’s muscle activity. The hand microcontroller controls the motors and receives grip and velocity commands. Contact reflexes will be added via pressure sensors in fingertips, adjusting grip strength and velocity. The hand microcontroller will interface with existing sensory substitution systems using the pressure sensors. A PCB with a custom motor controller will fit inside the palm of the hand, and interface with the hand microcontroller.

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