:index:`MP5`: DFT ######################## This MP is about using the DFT to create and filter images and audio (textbook chapter 8). * `mp5.zip <mp/mp5.zip>`_ contains the code. * Download the code and unzip it into some directory. * An example run-through is in `mp5_notebook.html <mp/mp5_notebook.html>`_. * Go to a terminal, and type `python grade.py` to test-grade your code. * When it works on your machine, then you can try uploading **only** the file ``submitted.py`` to the MP5 assignment on Gradescope. Extra Credit -------------- * `mp5_extra.zip <mp/mp5_extra.zip>`_ is the extra credit assignment. This adds one more file for you to work on (``extra.py``), and one more visible test file (``tests/test_extra.py``) with its accompanying solutions file (``extra_solutions.hdf5``). * When you've finished revising ``extra.py``, you can test it on your machine by running ``python grade.py``. * When it works on your machine, upload **only** the file ``extra.py`` to the ``MP5 Extra`` assignment on Gradescope.