Grades ================================================================ Your cumulative score for the semester is a weighted sum of component scores, with the following weights: * 15.0%: Written homework (3% each) * 45.0%: Machine problems (7.5% each) * 10.0%: Midterm 1 * 10.0%: Midterm 2 * 20.0%: Final exam Extra Credit ------------- * Extra credit will be available on some of the MPs. This counts for up to 10% of whatever points the MP is worth. * Extra credit is also available for correctly answering the questions of other students on `CampusWire <>`_. This counts for up to 1% of your cumulative semester grade. Grade Cutoffs ------------- Grade cutoffs are approximately as follows, where :math:`\mu` is the class average, :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation. These thresholds are not guaranteed, but they rarely change by much. .. math:: &A+:\min\left(0.99,\mu+1.5\sigma\right), A:\min\left(0.94,\mu+0.5\sigma\right), A-:\min\left(0.90,\mu+0.25\sigma\right) &B+:\min\left(0.85,\mu\right), B:\min\left(0.80,\mu-0.75\sigma\right), B-:\min\left(0.75,\mu-\sigma\right) &C+:\min\left(0.70,\mu-1.25\sigma\right), C:\min\left(0.65,\mu-2\sigma\right), C-:\min\left(0.60,\mu-2.25\sigma\right) &D+:\min\left(0.55,\mu-2.5\sigma\right), D:\min\left(0.50,\mu-2.75\sigma\right), D-:\min\left(0.45,\mu-3\sigma\right)