About the ECE 313 Concept Matrix
Summer 2017
Rather than turning in problem sets, you are expected to read the notes and attempt to solve the short answer questions and many of the even numbered problems in the notes. The concepts to be covered, along with the sections of the notes you should read, and the short answer questions (SAQs) and problems you should solve, are listed in the large table on the main course web page. The solutions to the even numbered problems are included in the appendix of the notes. Solutions will not be collected from you, but you are strongly encouraged to work out the problems on your own; only looking at the solutions when you are truly stuck. Learning how to use probability theory is best done through problem solving.
Making the most of classroom time
We encourage you to start the required reading and familiarize yourself with
the concepts to be learned before they are covered in lecture, and perhaps view some of the
short videos for the material. While we hope you find the videos useful, the videos are not intended to be a
replacement for reading the notes. Typically the videos focus on problem solving, whereas you need
to read the notes for the basic theory that is applied.
Mastering concepts through problem solving and team work
In addition to the quizzes and exams, you can demonstrate your mastery of the concepts in another way. It will be your responsibility to learn and master the concepts through studying the notes, attending lectures and problem solving sessions during scheduled class meetings, solving homework problems (before checking the solutions), attending office hours as needed, and discussing the concepts and problems with your classmates. You will then demonstrate your mastery of the concepts during office hours, through small group or individual question and answer demonstrations with a TA or instructor. You are encouraged to learn the concepts early because it will help you on the quiz. However, you can still earn credit for learning concepts up until 5pm the day of the quiz. The concept matrix itself (see link at the bottom
of this page) indicates which concepts each student (listed by pseudonym only) has mastered.
In the concept matrix, a “1” in a box in the row after your pseudonym
indicates that you know a particular concept.
TIP: You can save time by demonstrating multiple concepts at one go--often the concepts for a given week are closely related.
While we will try to adjust staffing hours to meet your needs, you might want to avoid lines that may grow shortly before the
deadline for a group of concepts.
The deadline for concept matrix certification is 5pm the day of the quiz.
Please consider getting certified earlier. You don't have to have all
the corresponding concepts certified at the same time, you can get some
concepts certified earlier. Waiting until the last hour (or half
hour) could cost you not getting any concepts certified because the TAs
will stop certifying at 5pm, even if you are already in
the room.
The protocol for concept matrix certification is as follows:
Protocol rule 1: Read the notes and learn the concepts,
either on your own or working in study groups. Make use of
Piazza as needed for Q&A. You should know the
concepts before seeking certification. There
isn’t time for TAs and instructors to simultaneously,
individually, teach and certify you on the concepts.
Protocol rule 2: You will be certified individually or in groups of
two, three, or possibly more students. You could
either form a group prior to the office hour, or form
one on the spot at the office hour with other students who
happen to be at the office hour. The students in your group should
ask each other questions to probe each others’ understanding
of the concepts. Please be honest with each other about
which concepts you know. You can take much more time
with each other (such as five to ten minutes per student in
the group) than the TA/instructor could spend with each
of you individually. When a group of students presents
itself for certification to a TA/instructor, every student in the
group should have confidence that every student in the group
knows every concept in the certification request.
Protocol rule 3: The TA will ask you questions to test your
ability to solve problems using the concepts. You will write
your answers on a chalk board of piece of paper, and the
TA/instructor will determine whether you have learned how
to apply the concept. If you come to be certified as a
group, the individuals in the group will still need to answer
some questions individually, but the performance of each
student in the group will be used to help evaluate the
level of understanding of all students in the group at once.
Participating in groups is an opportunity for
collaboration and improving valuable communication skills.
While it is not an absolute requirement for you to
participate in a group, the course staff will give
priority to groups, because it is only fair to give priority
to groups of students who have each helped in the
certification process by not only learning the concepts
themselves, but in helping certify that others have
learned them.
What if you are not available or not interested in getting certified for a concept?
In order to accommodate a broad range of learning styles, and to increase flexibility, the concept matrix points will be adjusted as follows.
As mentioned above, if you are certified for a given concept by the deadline
you get one point for that concept. If you do not get certified for a concept, you will
receive partial credit T for the concept, where T is the fraction of points you score on the midterm exams and final.
Specifically, the contribution of the concept matrix points to your final score in the
course will be calculated as follows:
T=[15*(exam 1 percentage score) + 15*(exam 2 percentage score) + 30*(final exam percentage score)]/60
adjusted concept points = concept points + (43-concept points)*T
contribution to final score = 10% * (adjusted concept points)/43
The following table shows some examples to help you understand the formula.
Number of concepts certified |
T |
adjusted concept points |
contribution to final score (10% max possible) |
| any value of T
| 43
| 10%
| 70% (about average)
| (43)(70%)=30.1
| 7%
| 90% (strong test scores)
| (43)(90%)=38.7
| 9%
| 70% (about average)
| 30 + (43-30)(70%)=39.1
| 9.1%
| 70% (about average)
| 40 + (43-40)(70%)=42.1
| 9.8%
| 55% (below average)
| 30 + (43-30)(55%)=37.15
| 8.6%
| 55% (below average)
| 10 + (43-30)(55%)=28.2
| 6.5%
Concept Matrix