ECE 313, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



Spring 2022

Assigned reading and homework problems

The material for the semester is divided into 13 sets of topics, with one covered per week, and we have assigned homework each week due on every Monday 11:59:00pm. Assigned reading from the course notes, and homework problems from the course notes, are indicated for each set of topics in the concept matrix on the course home page. We recommend you study the assigned reading, including the examples. Then work out the homework problems.
Shortly before each midterm and before the final exam, you might also find it useful to work out problems from exams from previous semesters and to attend the review sessions.

Please submit your homework on Gradescope.

Tutorial sessions

This semester we are offering weekly tutorial sessions guided by a TA. The sessions are either online or in person. During each session, the TA will go over a few problems related to the course content. The session details are listed in the home page.

Academic Integrity

We allow and encourage students to discuss the homework. However, students should write the solutions on their own and should not share the submission with other students. Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity. Read the Student Code here. Every student is expected to review and abide by the Academic Integrity Policy.