Course Description
Introduction to discrete-time systems and discrete-time signal processing with an emphasis on causal systems; discrete-time linear systems, difference equations, z-transforms, discrete convolution, stability, discrete-time Fourier transforms, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, digital filter design, discrete Fourier transforms, fast Fourier transforms, spectral analysis, and applications of digital signal processing.
Lectures: MTWTF, 9:00am - 9:50am, ZoomLecture Recording: Media Space
Prerequisites: ECE 210
Recommended Textbooks:
- Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice (1st ed.) by Dimitris G. Manolakis and Vinay K. Ingle, Cambridge Univ. Press publisher ISBN: 978-052111020. Also available in digital format.
- (Optional) OS: Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer (on reserve at the library)
Teaching Staffs
Instructor: Thomas Moon (tmoon@)
Office Hours: Monday, 10-11am, Zoom
TA: Ziyang Xu (ziyangx2@)
Office Hours: Tue/Thursday, 7-8pm, Zoom
Date | Topic | Reading Assignment | Lecture Notes | HW & Worksheet | Lecture Videos |
6/13 | 1. Introduction | 1. Intro | Lecture 1 | ||
6/14 | 2. Continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) signals | 1.1-1.4 | 2. CT and DT signals | Quiz & HW Template | Lecture 2 |
6/15 | 3. Review of complex numbers | 3. Complex numbers | Lecture 3 | ||
6/16 | 4. Discrete-time systems Linear and time-invariant (LTI) systems | 2.1-2.3 | 4. Discrete-time Systems | Lecture 4 | |
6/17 | 5. Impulse response and convolution | 2.4 | 5. h[n] and convolution | Lecture 5 | |
6/20 | 6. Causality and Stability | 2.5 | 6. Causality and Stability by h[n] | Lecture 6 | |
6/21 | 7. Difference Equation | 2.10 | 7. LCCDE | HW1 due HW1 sol |
Lecture 7 |
6/22 | 8. Z-transform 1 | 3.1-3.4 | 8-10. Z-transform | Lecture 8 | |
6/23 | 9. Z-transorm2 & Quiz1 | 3.1-3.4 | Quiz1 sol | Lecture 9 | |
6/24 | 10. Z-transform 3 | 3.1-3.4 | Lecture 10 | ||
6/27 | 11. Inverse Z-transform | 3.1-3.4 | 11. Inverse Z-transform | WS1 due | Lecture 11 |
6/28 | 12. System Transfer Function | 3.5-3.7 | 12-14. H(z) and its causality/stability | HW2 due HW2 sol |
Lecture 12 |
6/29 | 13. Causality and Stability by Z-transform | 3.5-3.7 | Lecture 13 | ||
6/30 | 14. Causality and Stability by Z-transform & Quiz2 (covers Lec note 6-10) |
4.1-4.5 | Quiz2 sol | Lecture 14 (not recorded) | |
7/1 | 15. Fourier Transforms | 4.1-4.5 | 15. CTFT | Lecture 15 | |
7/4 | Independence Day | WS2 due | |||
7/5 | 16. DTFT 1 | 4.1-4.5 | 16-19. DTFT & its inverse | HW3 due HW3 sol |
Lecture 16 |
7/6 | 17. Inverse DTFT | 4.1-4.5 | WS3.pdf | Lecture 17 | |
7/7 | 18. DTFT 2 & Quiz3 (Lec note 11-14) | 4.1-4.5 | Quiz3 sol | Lecture 18 | |
7/8 | 19. DTFT 3 | 4.1-4.5 | Lecture 19 | ||
7/11 | 20. Sinusoidal Response of LTI 1 | 5.1-5.6 | 20-21. Sinusoidal response | Lecture 20 | |
7/12 | 21. Sinusoidal Response of LTI 2 | 5.1-5.6 | HW4 due HW4 sol |
Lecture 21 | |
7/13 | 22. Sampling | 6.1-6.3 | 22-23. Sampling | WS4.pdf | Lecture 22 |
7/14 | 23. Sampling 2& Quiz4 (Lec note 15-19) | 6.1-6.3 | Quiz4 sol | Lecture 23 | |
7/15 | 24. Nyquist Condition | 6.1-6.3 | 24. Nyquist | WS3 due | Lecture 24 |
7/18 | 25. Reconstruction 1 | 6.1-6.3 | 25-26. Reconstruction | Lecture 25 | |
7/19 | 26. Reconstruction 2 | 6.1-6.3 | HW5 due HW5 sol |
Lecture 26 | |
7/20 | 27. DFT 1 | 7.1-7.6 | 27-29. DFT | Lecture 27 | |
7/21 | 28. DFT 2 & Quiz5 (Lec note 20-24) | 7.5 | Quiz5 sol | Lecture 28 | |
7/22 | 29. DFT 3 | WS4 due | Lecture 29 | ||
7/25 | 30. Circular convolution and DFT | 30. Circular convolution | Lecture 30 | ||
7/26 | 31. DFT Spectral Analysis | 31. DFT Spectral Analysis | HW6 due HW6 sol |
Lecture 31 | |
7/27 | 32. Digital Processing of Analog Signals | 32. Digital Processing of Analog Signals | Transform tables | Lecture 32 | |
7/28 | Quiz6 (Lec note 25-29) | Quiz6 sol | |||
7/29 | 33. FFT 1 | 33. FFT | Lecture 33 | ||
8/1 | 34. FFT 2 | Lecture 34 | |||
8/2 | 35. FIR and IIR Filters 1 | 35-36. FIR/IIR | HW7 due HW7 sol |
Lecture 35 | |
8/3 | 36. FIR and IIR Filters 2 | WS5.pdf | Lecture 36 | ||
8/4 | Review | 37. Review | WS5 due 8/6 | Lecture 37 |
Extra materials
The final will NOT cover the extra materials.- Generalized linear phase: GLP 1, GLP 2
- FIR filter design by windowing Filter design 1, Filter design 2
- Upsampling & Downsampling: Upsampling/Downsampling
Grading policy
- Worksheets: 15%
- Homeworks: 25%
- Quizzes: 40%
- Final: 20%
- Worksheets will be posted and graded by PrarerieLearn. Find the course, ECE310: Digital Signal Processing Summer 2022.
- Late worksheet submissions will not be accepted.
- Some of worksheet problems will be discussed during the lecture.
- Homeworks will be graded using Canvas.
- Late homework submissions will not be accepted.
- One lowest HW grade will be dropped.
- You will be submitting homework as a PDF file.
- Write neatly. Please box the equations you will be solving and the final answer. If we cannot read it we cannot grade it!
Quiz & Exam
IMPORTANT: Quizzes and exams will be proctored online using two-device proctoring. This means you are required to have: 1) A computer for viewing the exam, 2) A mobile device/tablet/second computer with camera for live video feed of your desk/workspace, 3) Sufficient Internet connection to stream your live video feed.How to position your phone
- There will be 6 quizzes and one lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
- The quiz will occur in the first half-hour of every Thursday lecture starting from the second week. There are no scheduled make-up quizzes. If you have an unavoidable medical or personal emergency, an exception might be granted. To be eligible for a make-up quiz, you must notify the instructor (not a TA) before the scheduled starting time of the quiz, and you must fully document your absence.
- Coverage: Each quiz will cover the previous week's materials.
- The quizzes will be open-book, open-notes.
- Date: Saturday, August 6, 2022, 1:00-3:00 PM (central time)
- Coverage: Comprehensive (lecture notes 1-36)
- The quizzes will be open-book, open-notes.
Past Exams
- Midterm 1: Fall 2021(with solution), Spring 2021
- Midterm 2: Fall 2021(with solution), Spring 2021
- Final: Spring 2021
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the University of Illinois Student Code. Any academic integrity violations will result in a FAIR report. Furthermore, the penalty will be as follows:- A score of 0 (zero) on the assignment or quiz or exam where the academic integrity violation occurred.
- A second offense results in a grade of F for the course.
- Note that the standard of proof for a finding of infraction is “more likely than not”. This means I only need to show with 51% certainty that you committed the offense for the allegations to go on your record.
The following is a partial list of academic integrity violations for this course:
- Copying homework or lab solutions from other students (working together and discussing is acceptable)
- Copying homework or lab solutions from past solutions
- Using websites such as Chegg or Course Hero while completing any course assignments or quizzes or exams
- Using unauthorized materials during quizzes or exams
- Violating CBTF proctoring policies
- Communicating with any person during quizzes or exams
- Discussing the exam with any person within 24 hours of exam completion
- Not an academic integrity violation: Distributing any course material without authorization. This includes uploading homeworks/solutions and exam solutions to web sites, or sharing these documents with people not enrolled in the course. Although not an academic integrity violation, it is a violation of the law and I will refer you to U.S. Attorney's Office for prosecution under The Digital Millennium Copyright Act.