Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing (Fall 2024)

Course Description:

Introduction to discrete-time systems and discrete-time signal processing with an emphasis on causal systems; discrete-time linear systems, difference equations, z-transforms, discrete convolution, stability, discrete-time Fourier transforms, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, digital filter design, discrete Fourier transforms, fast Fourier transforms, spectral analysis, and applications of digital signal processing.


Course Prerequisite:

ECE 210

I. Teaching Staff

1. Instructors:

Prof. Minh Do (Sec. G) Prof. Ilan Shomorony (Sec. CCS) Prof. Corey Snyder (Sec. E)
Office: 113 CSL Office: 313 CSL Office: ECEB 2058
Email: Email: Email:

2. Teaching Assistants:

(Head TA) Shilan He Jackson Craig Mick Gardner Yulun (Ben) Wu
Email: Email: Email: Email:

II. Schedule

1. Lectures:

Lecture Time Day Location
Section  G 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. M W F ECEB 3017
Section CCS 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m. M W F ECEB 3017
Section E 3:00 pm. - 3:50 p.m. M W F ECEB 1013

2. Office Hours and Recitation Sessions:

Note: Start from 9/3

Ben Wu's office hour and 12/04 recitation will be held at this Zoom link

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9-10 a.m.          
10-11 a.m. Prof. Ilan Shomorony
(CSL 313) 
  Shilan He
(ECEB 3003) 
Mick Gardner
(ECEB 3036) 
Mick Gardner
(ECEB 5034) 
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Prof. Minh Do
(CSL 113) 
  Shilan He
(ECEB 3003) 
Mick Gardner
(ECEB 3036) 
Mick Gardner
(ECEB 5034) 
12-1 p.m.          
1-2 p.m.         Jackson Craig
(ECEB 5034) 
2-3 p.m.     Prof. Corey Snyder
(ECEB 5034) 
  Jackson Craig
(ECEB 5034) 
3-4 p.m.          
4-5 p.m. Yulun (Ben) Wu
(ECEB 5034) 
  Yulun (Ben) Wu
(ECEB 5034) 
5-6 p.m. Yulun (Ben) Wu
(ECEB 5034) 
  Yulun (Ben) Wu
(ECEB 5034) 
Shilan He
(ECEB 5034) 
6-7 p.m.     Recitation
ECEB 2015  
Shilan He
(ECEB 5034) 

III. Resources

1. Recommended Textbook:

2. Course Campuswire:

3. Associated Lab Course (Strongly recommended):

4. Additional Resources

The following additional resources cover much of the same material as the lectures and textbook. The syllabus below provides references to these resources as well as the Manolakis and Ingle textbook.

Lecture recordings

The lecture recordings for section CCS can be found at this mediaspace channel. The corresponding lecture notes can be found at this Box folder.

Section G recordings can be found at mediaspace channel.

IV. Syllabus

Time Topics Reading Assignment Lecture Notes Additional Resources Assessment Due
Week 1:
8/26 - 8/30
Course introduction
Continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) signals
Review of complex numbers
Discrete-time systems
Linear and time-invariant (LTI) systems


Chapter 1: 1.1 - 1.4
Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.3
Section E: Lec1, Lec2, Lec3
Section CCS: Lecture notes
Section G: Lec1, Lec2, Lec3
SM: Ch 1, Appendix D, Appendix A, 3.1, 3.3-3.6
OS: 1, 2.1-2.2
PM: 1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.2
FK: 1, 5, 2, 9
Python Demo
What is DSP? - Video by IEEE
DSP at UIUC - 1
DSP at UIUC - 2
Week 2:
9/2- 9/6
No class 9/2 (Labor Day)
Impulse response
Difference equations
Chapter 2: 2.4 - 2.7; 2.10 Section E: Lec4, Lec5
Section G: Lec4, Lec5

SM: 3.7-3.9
OS: 2.3-2.5
PM: 2.3-2.5
FK: 9, 10, 3
Convolution Python Demo
Difference Equations Python Demo

Week 3:
9/9 - 9/13
Poles and zeros
Inverse z-transform
Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.4 Section E: Lec6, Lec7, Lec8
Section G: Lec6, Lec7, Lec8
SM: 4.1-4.5
OS: Ch 3
PM: 3.1-3.5
FK: 6, 7, 8 13
Partial Fractions Python Demo
Some z-transform properties
Some z-transform pairs
Recitation Solutions
Week 4:
9/16 - 9/20
System analysis via z-transform
System transfer function
Chapter 3: 3.5 - 3.7 Section E: Lec9, Lec10, Lec11
Section G: Lec9, Lec10, Lec11
SM: 4.10-4.14
OS: 5.2
PM: 3.6
FK: 14, 15, 16
Stability Python Demo
Recitation Solutions
Week 5:
9/23 - 9/27
Applications of linear system models
Sinusoidal signals
Fourier transforms
Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT)
Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.3 Section E: Lec12, Lec13, Lec14
Section G: Lec12, Lec13, Lec14
SM: 2.1-2.4
OS: 2.6-2.7 PM: 1.3, 4.1
FK: 17
Inverse Filter Python Demo
Applications of Linear System Theory
Recitation Solutions
Week 6:
9/30 - 10/4

Midterm 1 (Wednesday, 10/2)

No class Wednesday

Properties of the DTFT
Frequency response

Chapter 4: 4.3 - 4.5
Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.2

Section E: Lec15

Section G: Lec15, Lec16

SM: 2.4, 5.1
OS: 2.8-2.9, 5.1
PM: 4.2-4.4
FK: 18, 19
DTFT Python Demo
Filtering Python Demo
Recitation Solutions
Week 7:
10/7 - 10/11
Frequency response (magnitude and phase responses)
Ideal filters
Sampling of continuous-time signals
Chapter 5: 5.3 - 5.6
Chapter 6: 6.1
Section E: Lec16, Lec17, Lec18
Section G: Lec17, Lec18, Lec19
SM: 5.2, 3.2
OS: 5.3-5.4, 4.1-4.2
PM: 4.4-4.5, 1.4
FK: 20, 21
Week 8:
10/14 - 10/18
Ideal C/D and D/C conversion
Aliasing effect
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
Chapter 6: 6.2 - 6.3
Chapter 7: 7.1 - 7.2
Section E: Lec19, Lec20, Lec21
Section G: Lec20, Lec21, Lec22
SM: 3.2, 2.5
OS: 4.2-4.3
PM: 1.4, 4.2.9, 5.1
FK: 22, 34
Sampling Demo
Recitation Solutions
Week 9:
10/21 - 10/25
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
DFT spectral analysis
DFT applications
Chapter 7: 7.2 - 7.4; 7.6
Chapter 6: 6.4-6.5
Section E: Lec22, Lec23, Lec24
Section G: Lec23, Lec24
SM: 2.5-2.6
OS: 8.1-8.6, 10.1-10.2
PM: 5.2, 5.4
FK: 34, 36
DFT Python Demo
Recitation Solutions
Week 10:
10/28 - 11/1
Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
Convolution using the DFT
Digital processing of analog signals
Chapter 7: 7.5
Chapter 8: 8.1; 8.3
Section E: Lec25, Lec26
Section G: Lec25, Lec26, Lec27
SM: Ch 14, 6.3
OS: 8.7, 9.3, 6.1-6.2
PM: 5.3, 6.1-6.2, 7.1
FK: 37, 38.
Recitation Solutions
Week 11:
11/4 - 11/8

Midterm 2 (Wednesday, 11/6)

No class Wednesday

Practical digital filters
FIR filter design

Chapter 12: 12.1-12.2

Section E: Lec27

Section G: Lec28,Lec29

Week 12:
11/11 - 11/15
Generalized linear phase filters
FIR filter design by windowing
Chapter 9: 9.1-9.3
Chapter 10: 10.1-10.3
Chapter 11: 11.1; 11.3
Section E: Lec28, Lec29
Section G: Lec30, Lec31, Lec32
SM: 6.4, Ch 11, Ch 12
OS: 5.7, Ch 7
PM: Ch 8 
FK: 28, 29, 30.
Recitation Solutions
Week 13:
11/18 - 11/22
Downsampling and decimation
Upsampling and interpolation
Multirate signal processing
Chapter 12: 12.1-12.2 Section E: Lec30
Section G: Lec33, Lec34, Lec35

Recitation Solutions

Fall break:
11/25 - 11/29
Week 14:
12/2 - 12/6
Practical A/D, D/A, upsampling D/A, ZOH
Applications: instructor's choice, student's choice
Chapter 6: 6.5
Chapter 15: 15.3
Section E: Lec31, Lec32, Lec33 Recitation
Recitation Solutions
Week 15: 12/9 - 12/13 Applications: instructor's choice, student's choice
Final exam review



Final Exams: 12/16- 12/20          

V. Grading

  1. Weekly Homework: 25% of Final Grade, 15% written submission to Gradescope, 10% PrairieLearn
    • Grading: Homework average is computed by dropping the two lowest scores for each the written and Prairielearn homeworks (2 for written, 2 for Prairielearn) and then computing the average; this implies that each student may omit two homeworks in case of extenuating circumstances. Since the solutions will be posted immediately after the submission deadline, no late submission will be accepted.
    • Submission: Homework should be uploaded as a PDF file to Gradescope in which we have added each student enrolled. If you have not been auto-enrolled to our course Gradescope, you may join using entry code
    • Due dates: Homework is assigned each Friday, due the following Friday at 11:59pm. The corresponding solution will be posted immediately after the due date.
    • Write neatly. Please box the equations you will be solving and the final answer. If we cannot read it we cannot grade it!
    • Regrade requests must be submitted on gradescope within one week of grades being posted. All regrade requests must have a brief justification.
    • PrairieLearn: (sign in with Illinois; first time, enroll in course ECE 310). There is PrairieLearn weekly homework that is due at the same time with written homework (Fridays at 11:59pm).
    • Again, late homework submissions will not be accepted.
  2. Exams (will be held in-person): 75% of Final Grade
    1. Midterm Exam 1: 20% of Final Grade
      • Date: Wednesday, 10/2, 7:00-9:00pm
      • Location: CIF 0027/1025
      • Coverage: material from weeks 1-4, through HW4.
      • You are allowed 1 sheet (two-sided) of handwritten notes (no printed notes) on 8.5x11" paper. No calculator allowed.
      • Conflict exam:
        • Date: Thursday, 10/3, 9:00-11:00am
        • Location: ECEB 1013
      • Solutions
      • Conflict Solutions
      • HKN Review Session:
        • Date: Sunday, 9/29, 12:30-3:00pm
        • Location: ECEB 1013
    2. Midterm Exam 2: 20% of Final Grade
      • Date: Wednesday, 11/6, 7:00-9:00pm
      • Location: CIF 0027/1025
      • Coverage: materials corresponding to HWs 5-9.
      • You are allowed 2 sheets (two-sided) of handwritten notes (no printed notes) on 8.5x11" paper. No calculator allowed.
      • Conflict exam:
        • Date: Thursday, 11/7, 9:00am-11:00am
        • Location: ECEB 1013
      • HKN Review Session:
        • Date: Sunday, 11/3, 3-5pm
        • Location: ECEB 1013
      • Solutions
      • Conflict Exam Solutions
    3. Final Exam: 35% of Final Grade
      • Date:
        • Friday, 12/13, 1:30pm-4:30pm
      • Location:
        • ECEB 1015, 1002 and 1013
      • Coverage: material from the whole semester
      • You are allowed 3 sheets (two-sided) of handwritten notes (no printed notes) on 8.5x11" paper. No calculator allowed.
      • Conflict exam: (need approval from instructor to attend)
        • Date: Monday, 12/16, 8:00am-11:00am
        • Location: ECEB 2015
      • HKN Review Session:
        • BA
  3. Final Grade Cutoffs: The following cutoffs will be used to assess final grades. The cutoffs will never be raised, but might be lowered based on the class distribution. We will communicate any changes clearly in class and here on the website.
  • A+: 93-100%, A: 90-93%, A-: 87-90%
  • B+: 83-87%, B: 80-83%, B-: 77-80%
  • C+: 73-77%, C: 70-73%, C-: 67-70%
  • D+: 63-67%, D: 60-63%, D-: 57-60%

VI. Integrity

This course will operate under the following honor code: All exams and homework assignments are to be worked out independently without any aid from any person or device. Copying of other students' work is considered cheating and will not be permitted. By enrolling in this course and submitting exams and homework assignments for grading, each student implicitly accepts this honor code.

VII. Homework Material

Exercises Due Date Solution
Homework 1 09/06 @ 11:59pm Homework 1 Solution
Homework 2 09/13 @ 11:59pm Homework 2 Solution
Homework 3 09/20 @ 11:59pm Homework 3 Solution
Homework 4 09/27 @ 11:59pm Homework 4 Solution
Homework 5 10/06 @ 11:59pm Homework 5 Solution (updated 1(c))
Homework 6 10/11 @ 11:59pm Homework 6 Solution
Homework 7 10/20 @ 11:59pm Homework 7 Solution
Homework 8 10/25 @ 11:59pm Homework 8 Solution
Homework 9 11/01 @ 11:59pm Homework 9 Solution (updated 1(c))
Homework 10 11/10 @ 11:59pm Homework 10 Solution
Homework 11 11/15 @ 11:59pm Homework 11 Solution
Homework 12 11/22 @ 11:59pm Homework 12 Solution
Homework 13 12/06 @ 11:59pm Homework 13 Solution