Names: Shounak Ray, Siddhant Jain, Aniruddha Pispati
Our goal is create a wireless room locking system, that allows the user to remotely lock and unlock their dorm room by the press of a switch or remote. The idea is to allow the user to do this without having to walk all the way to their door from their bed or desk to lock the door. The lock will be turned using motors, and will be an external attachable modification to regular residence halls locks.
Week #1:
Created team and decided on end goals. Started with research and wiki page.
Week #2:
Added block diagram. Worked on assembling a part list.
ECE 110 Honors Block Diagram.png
Week #3:
Finished assembling a parts list and started working on designs for the circuit.
Week #4:
Finalized a design and submitted the parts requests. The parts required are:
- Arduino (Redboard)
- Servo motor
- Gears
- 5V Regulator
- 555 Timer
- IR Receiver
- 2 x Push Sensors
Week #5:
Assembled all the parts required for our project.
Week #6:
Got the IR sensor to work, albeit for a small distance
Week #7:
Got the Servo HS-425BB Motor and researching how to use it We realized that the IR sensor range is very short we are going to work to improve the range and buy parts for it if needed
Week #8:
We connected the remote to the arduino. We also plan on working on the weekend on connecting the servo motor and powering it using the arduino.
Week #9,
We modified our code to improve the locking and unlocking mechanism. We also realized that we need to use an H Bridge to power the motor.
Week #10,
We modified our code to combine the motor turning and the locking system. We also visited the machine shop to fabricate a lock for our project.
Wireless_Door_Locking_System_Final_Report.pdf (application/pdf)
Great job keeping a log of each weeks activities As you continue developing the designs, we encourage you to be descriptive on this page so that someone unfamiliar with the project could follow your design; specifically in your block diagram, what does the MCU stand for? Also feel free to add tables of parts list data and pictures of designs as you work on them!
Posted by rlziegl2 at Feb 22, 2016 18:04
| Here is an example of the switches that we talked about today. If you have time this week, check and see if they are in the ECE shop (not store) on the first floor, if not submit we can order them.
Posted by rlziegl2 at Feb 29, 2016 17:43