Zhongweiyang Xu netid: zx21
Ang Li netid: angl2
Lingxiao Mou netid: lmou2
The proposal:
a.Statement of Purpose
When you have a break time and hang out with friends, you might want to play some traditional and great games. Therefore, we decide to make this web-based game.
b.Background Research
We found multiple ways to display this game, and finally we decided to use webpage as the screen. We believe web-based app will be the future. Therefore, we want to try to design a web-based game with physical controller.
- Flow Chart
Four pressure pad:
This system is composed of four pressure sensor board to detect the pressure input and send the high and low information to the Arduino.
Receiving the combinated signal from the sensor board and produce the direction command to PHPoC WiFi Shield.
PHPoC WiFi Shield:
Receiving the data and send it to the internet.
Electronic Device:Displaying the data.
- parts:
Arduino quantity:
pressure pad quantity: 4
computer that can get access to the online screen quantity: 1
PHPoC WiFi Shield for Arduino quantity: 1. - Possible Challenges
The combination of the controlling pad and the Arduino by the C code upload to the Arduino.
The creation of the website to show the graph of the game.
The communication of the group members in different ECE classes
- References
The tutorial of the game: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/khanhhs/arduino-web-based-two-player-game-584daa?ref=platform&ref_id=424_trending_7days?category=14?difficulty=286_beginner_tutorial&offset=7
The tutorial for the sensor: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/AlexWulff/capacitive-touch-keyboard-extension-with-leonardo-13a387?ref=platform&ref_id=424_trending_7days?category=14?difficulty=286_beginner_tutorial&offset=64