Final Report

Project Description:

We want to make a multi functional chess clock that can detect useful player information based on a combination of touch and weight sensors.


Parts List

Team Members:

Katherine Yun

Roshan Rajan

Yue (Penny) Xu


Capacitive Touch Sensor:

  • Arduino Board
  • 5.6M resistor
  • 220ohm resistor
  • Any colour LED
  • Foil
  • Jumper wire
  • Relay (optional)
  • Mains plug (male and female) (optional)




September 21


  • Discuss what type of project wants to be done (Chess clock or another Chess accessory) 
  • Start a parts list
  • Determine what sensors need to be used
  • Incorporation of hardware into project

What to do

  • Finish parts list
  • Any other ideas that might to be followed
  • Determine a plan of what work needs to be done per week

October 5

  • Finalize the parts for a multifunctional chess clock
  • Determined to use the touch sensors as buttons
  • Came up with a plan/ time line for the completion of the project
  • Completed Block Diagram

October 12

  • Research the type of sensors that we can use
  • We determined that a temperature sensor is not practical because of the short amount of time that the player's hand is in contact with the sensor
  • We played around with the idea of a chess board calibrated with weight sensors but decided to stick with the clock idea


October 19

  • We created and finalized our parts list

October 26

  • Our SparkFun real time clock arrived and the TAs helped us solder the pins that we were able to obtain from professor Schmeit...
  • Research circuit components 

November 2

  • Gathered the parts needed for a touch capacitive sensor form the service shop
  • Touch controlled light:

    This simple part of the project uses a capacitive touch sensor, that switches on and off an led, or even high voltage appliances, by touching a piece of aluminum foil. Whenever the chess player presses on one side of the clock, which has a piece of aluminum foil underneath the LED will light up. And the real time clock module will record the time collapse between each press. 


November 9

  • build the touch capacitor sensor circuit so that it can turn on and off a LED
  • soldered the pins onto the clock's display board
  • Researched and tried to understand the type of code used for counting down time and altering it to make it compatible with our clock





Start looking into different types of touch and weight sensors and the various types of data you can gather from these devices.



Posted by nrenner2 at Sep 23, 2015 19:42

Since you have three members, look into how you can program or create a clock to use with the system. Using the Arudino itself will not give you an accurate time reading.


Posted by oscarbi2 at Sep 28, 2015 13:54

Guys please add more to this page. You are suppose to be keeping a weekly journal. See the other groups pages for reference.



Posted by nrenner2 at Oct 02, 2015 13:44