Group Members: Daniel Park: danielp7 (ECE120), Jay Patel: jayhp2 (ECE120)
Statement of Purpose:
Our project is a sensor mechanism that is connected to a set of LED lights to alter color based on temperature of a room. My roommates and I wanted to get LED lights for our apartment but we did not know what we wanted. We like to mess around with colors and we realized that it would be awesome to have LED lights that altered colors based on something. We realized that LED lights that changed on temperature would be a great idea because it would let us know the temperature in the room without looking at the thermostat. We would be able to see if we should be turning the temp down or up based on the color and how we feel. If we have extra time, we would also like to add things that read different measurements such as a noise calibration which changes color on noise.
Background Research:
System Overview:
Our thermometer will take in the temperature and give that as a reading to our resistor device. This will then relay information to the LEDs which will in turn lead to the LEDs changing color based on the temperature. The power supply will most likely be a battery but we would also like to try to make it connectable to a power outlet. We will change the lights based on temperatures between 60 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Each temperature range will be around 3 degrees but the border line temperatures will be mixtures of the colors. Purple less than 64, Blue 64 - 68, Green 68 - 70, Yellow 70 - 73, Orange 73 - 76, Red greater than 76. For our logical component, we will be using comparators to take values given by our thermometer and it will send signals to the LED letting it know which colors to turn on. We are currently not too sure how this works but we will figure it out.
LED Lights - Adafruit NeoPixel:
Thermistor - In lab
Comparator - In lab
Power Supply for LED:
DC Power Jack for Arduino - Maybe
Possible Challenges:
We are completely new to hardware and building so the general aspect of using an arduino and designing the functions of this project will most likely be difficult. We do have coding knowledge but it may be different to code the Arduino and this project.
See background research.