Name | NetID | Section |
Hongyu Chen | hongyuc5 | ECE 110 /ECE 120 |
Patrick Sheng | psheng3 | ECE 120 |
Statement of Purpose
Our goal is to build a fan that automatically detects the temperature and adjusts the speed based on the temperature. Furthermore, there will be visual components involving LED lights and the number display that will reflect the temperature on the base directly. This will allow the user to remain comfortable without adjusting the speed of the fan manually, and the LED display will also indicate to them whether the temperature is in a comfortable range for living or not. If time permits, we would also like to implement a tracking function that will follow the user within a certain area.
Background Research
We live in dorms without AC, which means we have to use multiple fans in the summer to cool. The temperature throughout the day and night fluctuates a lot, requiring us to change the speed multiple times a day. This can be a hassle when trying to focus on something such as homework. Our project will hopefully automate this task. Part of our projects takes inspiration from a previous project where students created a temperature adapting LEDs. Our project will utilize something similar to one part of the whole thing.
Block Diagram / Flow Chart
System Overview
The majority of the fan's functions will be based on the data that is collected from the thermometer. The data will then be sent to an Arduino that will read the input and will control the many different functions based on the value of the data. If the temperature value is below or above a specified range, the Arduino will be programmed so that the motor will slow down or sped up accordingly. There will also be an LED number display that will reflect the temperature value for the user's convenience. That too will change according to the temperature value and will be programmed with Arduino. The LED light display will be similar to the number display but will display different colors depending on the temperature more for aesthetic purposes than anything else. Furthermore, the most difficult part which we will save for last will be a tracking function that uses a camera to determine the location of the user and follow them.
Provide a list of parts that you may need for your project. You should include details such as the quantity, model number, purpose, vendor, and price (excluding taxes and shipping) for each part. This list may change as you work on your project.
Budget Spent: $88.89 of $100.00
Possible Challenges
We are completely new to hardware and software engineering, so programming the Arduino and linking the multiple parts of this project will be difficult.
Project Demo
Project report
[1]"Measure Temperature Using Lm35 and Arduino", Instructables, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Sep- 2021].
[2]S. Campbell, "Make an Arduino Temperature Sensor (Thermistor Tutorial)", Circuit Basics, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Sep- 2021].
[3]"DIY Mini Fan",, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Sep- 2021].
[4]How to make a portable Mini Fan | DIY Mini Fan at home | Electric Fan. 2021.
[5]D. Park and J. Patel, "Temperature Adapting LEDs - ECE 110/120 Honors Lab Section - Illinois Wiki",, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Sep- 2021].
abc.png (image/png)
abc.png (image/png)
HonorsLab Flowchart.drawio (application/octet-stream)
HonorsLab Flowchart.drawio.png (image/png)