Johnny Chang (Yu-Chen Chang) - yuchenc2
Peter Chiu - jcchiu2
Statement of Purpose
We propose a smart door lock that can be set to a certain length of time before it unlocks by itself and can be controlled with your phone to add more time on the lock or unlock it early.
Background Research
One of our team member's roommate was once locked out of his room after showering because the member had left for lunch and locked the door. The member had to run all the way back to the dorm to open the door for his roommate. This experience was troublesome enough that we decided to work on a project that can solve this problem. Furthermore, we decided to improve upon this project and add a timer so the lock can be set to unlock itself after a period of time. This allows the user to not have to lock and unlock the door when leaving for short periods of time.
We have found WIFI lock projects similar to our proposal on Youtube. Links provided below.
Design Details
Block Diagram / Flow Chart
(Block Diagram) (Flow Chart)
System Overview
Descriptions for each block are written in the blocks.
a. ArduinoBoard
b. Servo Motor *2
c. Web domain & Web server
d. Mini buttons
e. Mini LED (yellow)f. Resistors
g. WiFi modulePossible Challenges
a. Connecting the Arduino to websitevia WIFI.
b. Designing the casing for the hardware.
c. Mounting the hardware onto the lock in a secure way.
d. Finding backup/fail-safe if the device doesn't work.References
YouTube. (2017). How to Make a Smartphone Connected Door Lock. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Sep. 2018].
Final Report
Honors Lab Final Project Report.pdf
Video Demonstration:
Untitled Diagram-Page-2.jpg (image/jpeg)
Honors Lab Final Project Report.pdf (application/pdf)
Arduino Code.7z (application/octet-stream)