
James Gandy (jamesg2) ECE110

Liyu Liu (Lliu79) ECE 110

Haoxiang Li (hl11) ECE 120



Project Proposal 

  1. Introduction

    1. Statement of Purpose

      The purpose of our project is to create a device that can detect light, temperature, and location, and relay it back to a phone via wifi. We will implement this device on a bike in order to create a bike that can automatically turn a light on when it is dark, as well as determine the temperature outside. Also, since there will be a gps function in the device, the user will know where their bike is at all times. The overall goal of this project is to make peoples lives easier. This project aims to give valuable data about the users bike back to the user. Throughout this project we will be implementing concepts discussed in both ECE 110 and ECE120. 

    2. Background Research

      As of now, we have found electrical components that are applicable to our project. For instance, we have found a "weather shield" which can determine temperature and has a GPS function. We believe that this project is important as it allows the user to know more things about the weather conditions, as well as the condition of their bike. Our project is similar to other groups projects as the electrical components used in each project are very similar. For instance, other groups will be using various sensors in order to control some system. For our project, we will use sensors (light, temperature, pressure) in order to control a bike that can perform various tasks. This shows how other groups projects will differ from ours. Other groups will be utilizing sensors, however, the type of sensors they use and the sensors functions will be vastly different from ours. 

  2. Design Details

    1. Block Diagram / Flow Chart
      Due Friday Evening 2/24/17

    2. System Overview

  3. Parts

    1) Sparkfun Weather Shield (Include the temperature sensor, moisture sensor and light sensor)
    2) Electric IMP (It is a WIFI module)
    3) LED Lights
    Order list due Friday Evening 2/24/17

  4. Possible Challenges

    1) Leanring multiple new language, such as Arduino language. 
    2) WIFI module may not have a consistent communication with the app.

  5. References


Project approved. Don't forget to use a digital logic element to satisfy the requirement for 120 students.

-Chris H

Posted by chorn4 at Feb 20, 2017 21:43