ECE 110H Robotic Arm: Project Template




Jose Flores


ECE 110

Ronit Kumar


ECE 110

Isaac Brorson


ECE 120

Jack Wang


ECE 110

Aryan Damani


ECE 110 AL3


Statement of Purpose

This project intends to create a robotic arm, similar in size and scale to a real human arm. The primary goal is to develop a device which is able to minimize human injury by using a device that is both as accurate and capable as the human hand and arm.

Background Research

At the moment, not many groups have similar projects to ours. The reason why many of us decided to pursue a project like this was many of us have experience creating mechanical devices using Arduino and Raspberry Pis. Attempting a project like this was a challenge many of us were interested in undertaking as it requires a high degree of accuracy and tuning to pull off.

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

The block diagram is divided into two sections; one for the “remote” circuit positioned on the user’s hand, and the other for the hardware connected to the robotic arm associated with driving it. The “zero” button is necessary to define a time at which velocity and position are set to zero. Without this, it would only be possible to calculate change in velocity with the accelerometer data. Other than that, each portion of the system is in a continuous loop, constantly measuring and updating its position data.




Model #




Raspberry Pi



Receiving position data, directing motors

ECE Dep.


Arduino nano



Sending position data

ECE Dept.


Stepper Motors


12V, 400mA

Moving the arm






accelerometer/gyro breakout board

ECE Dep.


Step.M. drivers



Driving the stepper motors



Radio transceiver Modules



Sending and receiving data

(Isaac is supplying)


LiPo battery



Powering the position sensing hardware



LiPo battery charger + boost



Charge LiPo battery and boost its voltage

(Isaac is supplying)


Power supply



Convert 120VAC to our working voltage



Total price of bought parts: $87.36

Part links:

Arduino Pro MIni:

Stepper Motor: 


LiPo cell:

Power Supply:  (other:

Possible Challenges

The primary issue is the creation of a device that’s both accurate and as nimble as a human hand can be. Accelerometers are only so accurate, and tuning them to mimic a human’s accuracy while also being versatile is the primary problem.

Some of our group members are off campus, and they’re primarily assigned software tasks. Integration between hardware and software and off campus and on campus work is going to be a challenge as to not let it impact the efficiency of our work.


R. Satheeshkumar, "IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems society information", IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. C3-C3, 2015. Available: 10.1109/tcss.2016.2527186 [Accessed 16 February 2021].

V. Patidar and R. Tiwari, "Survey of robotic arm and parameters," 2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCCI.2016.7479938.

K. Kruthika, B. M. Kiran Kumar and S. Lakshminarayanan, "Design and development of a robotic arm," 2016 International Conference on Circuits, Controls, Communications and Computing (I4C), Bangalore, 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/CIMCA.2016.8053274.

Anisur Rahman, Md & Khan, Alimul & Ahmed, Tofayel & Sajjad, Md. (2013). Design, Analysis and Implementation of a Robotic Arm-The Animator. International Journal of Engineering Research. 02. 298. 

"Trainable Robotic Arm", Adafruit Learning System, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18- Feb- 2021].

Final Report Link:

Final Video Link:


Circuit diagram: Black is data, red is power


Hey guys! I think this is a great project idea. 

A couple of questions:

  • How will you be tracking the position of the users hand to control the robotic arm?
  • What kind of design and material will you be using for the robotic arm?

If you have not finalized your design enough to have a definite answer, I would just recommend continuing your background research and deciding as soon as you can. Since there are so many different robotic arm designs out there, it gives you a great starting point to build off and implement your own design.  

Posted by mstoens2 at Feb 23, 2021 22:34

Hey guys! I think a very vital part of the project will be figuring out how to track the arm. This will be algorithm heavy but also will greatly influence what sensors you should purchase. Also, projects in the past have pulled of robotic arms but they had to follow a previous project that developed the mechanical movement of the arm with pulleys and stepper motors and such. If I remember correctly that was a huge mountain to climb for them.

This means that to approve your project I would like to see what kind of sensors you plan on using, what electronics you plan on including on your glove, and also a lot of research on how to implement the movement and structure of the arm.

Posted by dbycul2 at Feb 25, 2021 22:59

Hi! Sorry I'm just seeing these comments now, but we're going to be using an MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro to determine the position of the controller's hand. I've already built a proof of concept to show that we can read the acceleration data and send it over radio, and just today we started looking into converting that acceleration data into position data. It's clear that without countermeasures, there will be a small drift in position over time, but I think we can effectively resolve that problem in the code.

The current parts list shown here is missing a couple things, and some parts have been changed, so I'll update this page as soon as I find the time. I hope it's alright if I go ahead and submit our part orders anyways, and hopefully those can be completed if and when we get approval.

Posted by brorson2 at Mar 01, 2021 02:11

Hey! Sorry for the late response but you guys are approved. Get your parts list in as soon as possible and we will process them in the next round of orders!

Posted by dbycul2 at Mar 13, 2021 22:53