Dohun Jeong dohunj2 ECE120

Peter Leung peterhl2 ECE120

Joey Wightman jww2 ECE120


     As students who live in the dorms, we have had the experience of dealing with the horrid mailbox system including remembering the incredibly long mailbox code. With this in mind, we decided to simplify this process by incorporating a RFID scanner. This could also find applications in offices, or pre-ordering something off amazon.

Background Research

RFID is really simple to implement and super cool.

Design Details


  • Locker
  • Metal/Wood frame
  • RFID tags/scanner
  • Magnets
  • Locks
  • Wiring, lights

Block Diagram

Spring 2017 ECE 120 Honors Lab Block Diagram

Possible Challenges

  • figuring out how to use the RFID
  • Working around the frame (avoiding damage)
  • Making the locking system



Designed FSM, decided we could greatly simplify with appropriate code.

Designed circuit.

Placed order for micro switches.

Drafted pseudo-code



Make sure to add a logic element into your circuit in order to satisfy your 120 requirement. Thanks.


Posted by tlgraha2 at Feb 20, 2017 21:36