Entry 1: Group members - Evan Johnson, Victor Ibe
Our project will to be a RFID based automatic lock system. The system will only grant access if the required key is withing a certain range of the lock. We've broken into three main parts, an RFID reader/ arduino control system for the project, the key/activator section, and the locking mechanism, which will most likely be based on a servo motor. We're currently researching the integration of an RFID with the arduino and how it will interface with a servo motor for the locking mechanism part of the project.
Entry 2: We tested a servo and got it working on redboard, however we will need a higher torque servo for the actual lock. We finished our high level design, however we had some trouble uploading it properly. We have a pretty good idea what the specifications of each of our pieces needs to be, and have looked at specific servos and have figured out how we are getting an RFID reader.
High Level design
RFID Reader: When the key card comes with 20 cm of the RFID reader, the reader will check the card's unique ID against the ID we specified and if they match it will send a signal to the Redboard and beep.
Redboard: the Redboard will take the RFID reader's signal as input and output a signal to the Servo motor.
Servo Motor: The servo motor will lock or unlock the door
Entry 3: We made final decisions on items which we would need for the project, as well as specified the design we already had. We finished our low level design, so next week when we get our supplies we should be able to get straight to work. We compared the specifications of the servo motor that we had and decided it was not sufficient for completing our project.
Low Level design
Entry 4: None of our materials have come in yet, so we couldn't really get into full swing today, so we just ran a 45 minute crash course on Arduino programming, focusing on the use of RFID and servo motors. We have the very basics of the Arduino sketch done, though we don't know whether it is correct or not as we cannot test it.
Entry 5: All our material came in today. We wrote test programs for both the servo motor and the rfid reader. We got the servo running, and the rfid reader to register when a card came near it, however the rfid reader is not identifying what the rfid signature on the card is properly when ran through the Red Board. We have demonstrable progress but there is still a long way to go.
Entry 6: We gave our mid project presentation and troubleshooted our software. We still don't know why the RFID reader won't register the card when we plug directly into the arduino, but we're working on it. Our Arduino sketch is almost in working order.
Entry 7: We're very close to completion of the project. The hardware part of the project is mostly in working order so we can just focus on completing the Arduino sketch. There are still a few issues that need to be resolved, but we're making steady progress on that.
Entry 8: We have essentially completed the project. The arduino sketch is working as intended and there are no noticeable problems with the circuit. Now we can focus on any minor adjustments to make the code more readable and easily modifiable; we have also started working on the the presentation as it it the only major thing left to do.
110 High Level Design.png (image/png)
20160222_164901.jpg (image/jpeg)
RFID_USB_Reader-v14.pdf (application/pdf)
RFID_USB_Reader-v14.pdf (application/pdf)
RFID_ Dorm_Lock_Final_Report.pdf (application/pdf)