Alex Jansenajansen4ECE 110
Dhilan Desaidsdesai2ECE 110

Statement of Purpose

A small houseplant pot that monitors soil moisture, sunlight, temperature, and humidity and uses that information to automatically add water and provide health alerts. The primary goal is to create a self-contained plant monitoring system that keeps the plant hydrated and alerts the owner if conditions potentially damaging to the plant's health are detected. This project should save the user time and headspace and assist those cursed with brown thumbs in keeping care of the plant. 

Background Research

Dhilan Desai has gardening experience with the garden at his home. Quick research into plant transpiration -- the loss of water through the leaves -- reveals the main influencing factors include temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture, and type of plant. The MudPi system is a product that has a similar goal but is useful for an entire garden, our project will be focused on a smaller scale for the more casual plant lover.

The microcontroller will turn on the water pump for a certain amount time when the soil moisture sensor has detected a low enough value for long enough. This amount will need to be experimentally determined for the pump with different types of soils and plants. Information from other sensors is not planned to be considered for pump activation at this time.

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

Soil Moisture Sensor: Detects moisture content of soil.

The microcontroller will turn on the water pump for a certain amount time when the soil moisture sensor has detected a low enough value for long enough. This amount will need to be experimentally determined for the pump with different types of soils and plants. 

Temp/Humidity Sensor: Detects current temperature and humidity.

Sunlight Sensor: Detects presence and intensity of sunlight.

The other sensors are in place to provide alerts when the plant hasn't been receiving enough sunlight (again determined per plant) over the last three days or the temperature is dangerously high or low. 

Water Level Detector: Detects level of water in reservoirs. 

Water level detection will allow the screen to display an alert when the reservoir need to be refilled.

Brain/Microcontroller: Receives input from the sensors and “tells” the pump and display how to respond.

Pump: Signaled on to feed water into the plant.

ePaper Display: Receives input from the brain to display what the plant needs & alert the user to potential issues.

An ePaper disp has low power consumption and no drain when not writing to display.


Incomplete, need to hash out exact circuit diagram for water level detector and pump power.

Possible Challenges

Designing the pot to include all the required sensors (and a reservoir?) in effective positions.

Placing the soil sensor in a position to effectively track overall saturation and drainage.

Placing the sunlight sensor so that it isn't blocked by the plant itself.

Perfecting the "health alerts" to determine when an amount of sunlight or temp isn't enough/too much.


[1]"Evapotranspiration and the Water Cycle", [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2021]

[2]R. Zwetsloot, "MudPi water automation system", The MagPi magazine. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2021]

[3]"Simple Water Level Indicator", [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2021]


Looks good in terms of format, but a few points:

- Can you more clearly elaborate on your goal for the completed project in the Statement of Purpose Section? Like what would you want your finished plant monitor to do? 

- Please elaborate a little more on how your algorithm will take care of a plant under the 'Background  Research' section - is there some formula that takes inputs from all your sensors and spits out how much to water?   

- I know you've done more research on the topic than to only end up with only one possible challenge :-)   Elaborate that section a little more too!

Once these are fixed, your project should be good to be approved. 

Other misc notes:

- Your main control board and accompanying parts seem to be from the same site/ecosystem, but confirm their compatibility with each other before pulling the trigger on the purchase.

- Have you considered potentially looking into if it would be easier to mount the water tank above the soil surface and use a valve instead of the pump?

Posted by siva3 at Feb 21, 2021 21:37

I don't have much more to say besides for what Swamy has already mentioned. I would just say to implement the sensors fully one at a time. This allows you to maintain a certain threshold of functionality if you don't get them all implemented.

Seems like you have a good solution for dealing with the automatic watering which would be my largest mechanical concern before finding the mini water pump.

Make sure you get the things Swamy mentioned fixed and then I'll approve your project!

Posted by dbycul2 at Feb 25, 2021 22:39

Approved! Thanks for the edits guys!

Posted by dbycul2 at Feb 28, 2021 18:41