Nick Pingnping2ECE 120
Chaoxiong Liangliang61ECE 110

Statement of Purpose

We will create a robot that can scan a hand-drawn path and traverse the path. This project is useful because it would solve the problem of transporting cargo from one location to another, following a certain user inputted path. This project is unique because we would use image analysis to generate the path that the robot will follow. We would then not need to create a course, but rather draw a map that the robot scans.

Background Research

Transportation is what runs everything from the economy transporting goods to your body transporting vital nutrients to bodily cells. The critical challenge in transporting something is the start point, end point, and path taken. This project aims to streamline this challenge in everyday transportation: generating a path using visual input. We have drawn inspiration from the delivery bot (Samat and Dinakar, 2021) created last year and the ECE 110 final lab; however, we plan on improving it's path generation.

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

A phone camera would capture the drawn map and generate the path depicted using visual analyzing code we will program. The phone program will then calculate the path from the image. We will then transmit the path instructions to the robot controller using Bluetooth. The generated path will get fed into the robot which will control the motors in following such path. The odometer wheels will aid in detecting the robot's position as the robot moves along the path. The odometry wheels are intended to verify that the robot is still following the intended path and it will increase accuracy in position detection.

For power distribution, we will have a battery going to a power distribution module which will control the power going to the 4 motors. The power distributed to the motors will be based on the generated path input to the robot controller.


Provide a list of parts that you may need for your project. You should include details such as the quantity, model number, purpose, vendor, and price (excluding taxes and shipping) for each part. This list may change as you work on your project. 


1 need the Arduino control module to control the robot$22.50
Arduino Bluetooth receiver to communicate to the onboard Arduino$0
2 encoders are crucial for odometry which are our velocity sensors.$12.95
4 needed to power the bot$1.95
1 Controller to control the motor direction and speed$20.95

Possible Challenges

Please list some of the challenges that your group foresee in working on your project.

  • With such a tight budget, many components necessary for precise position detection may not be at par.
  • Vision code is always difficult and prone to failure
  • With the tight time frame, many aspects of the project may be rushed and difficult to perfect




You seem to need a camera to complete your project but you don't have one listed. If you already own the camera, just add it to the parts list and list the cost as $0. Also, you do not mention how to actually power anything. Research what kind of batteries and voltage conversion you will need to do. If your motors require more power, they likely won't be powered by the Arduino. 

Also, machine vision is not a simple task and will run slow on an Arduino Nano. Please add research you do for the type of algorithm / library you want to employ. Eustis can probably help you figure some of the details out. Keep in mind the ECE 110/120 project requirements as well. You need a sensor and a digital logic gate.

DM me once you update your proposal

Posted by dbycul2 at Sep 25, 2021 21:56

Based off of in-person discussions and Discord DMs, your project is approved and you will be group #44.

Posted by dbycul2 at Oct 01, 2021 16:56