Skyler Shi (jingtao2): ECE 120/ECE 110

Rui Pu (ruip2): ECE 110

Brandon Qiao (bjqiao2): ECE 120


Statement of Purpose

Phones are an indispensable part of our lives now, but sometimes too indispensable. Sometimes when we need to focus and really keep away from our phones, we find the “procrastination monkey” of our unconscious telling ourselves to pick up our phones and read the latest post or put a few minutes into a game. Procrastination is a problem that most of our generation is affected by to some degree, so we would say the phone itch is also a common problem amongst us. With this product, we aim to minimize our phone itches by securing our phone in a box that only grants access to our phones when we truly need them. Moreover, the product also is a speaker that can play music from your phone once you insert the phone into the box. This additional feature gives the user more incentive to go through phone down-time. 

Background Research

There are numerous apps on both iOS and Android that allow the user to block certain apps from being used at specified time periods such as Moment, AppBlock, AppDetox etc.1 Most of these apps work by allowing users to set an amount of time they are allowed to use a certain app per day. However, for the more afflicted compulsive phone users, they can reset the amount of time they are allowed to use apps when they really crave to use their phone. Sure it can be tedious to go through the app and reset the time, but anything for one more Youtube cat video, right? This is why our team wants to implement a hardware solution to the phone itch problem. Users have to go through a lot more trouble to open the box (smash it and risk damaging their phones) and thus have less incentive to distract themselves, and the box will also create a psychological detachment for users as they can no longer see their phones. Couple that with some nice music, and we've got ourselves a productive working user.

Design Details


  • Arduino Uno
  • Small Motors
  • Rubber Wheels
  • Phototransistor/Infrared Sensor
  • Pushbutton (the more sensitive the better)
  • Box
  • Resistors
  • Wires
  • Motor Controllers
  • Supports for Motors
  • Light sensor/Photocell
  • LEDs
  • 16x2 LCD

-ALS-PT19 Light Sensor (SEN-12566 ROHS)
-used to detect if phone screen turns on

-Optical Detector / Phototransistor - QRD1114 (SEN-00246 ROHS)
-used to detect if phone is in place

-Basic 16x2 Character LCD - White on Black 5V (LCD-00709 ROHS)
-used to interface with user

-control direction in which motor spins (in ece labkit)

-LED Tactile Button - Orange (COM-10441)
-feedback if the phone is in place

-Arduino Uno

Block Diagram


System Overview

The user will insert their phone into a slit in the top of the box. The slit will be small enough so that the user will not be able to stick their fingers in to retrieve their phone. The infrared sensor detects if a phone is being inserted into the slit. If a phone is detected, then the motors will spin the phone into the slit. The phone will eventually hit a pushbutton on the bottom of the box, which will stop the motors.  The pushbutton will also reactivate the paused music and turn on the LED light that tells the user his/her phone is stored away.

When the phone receives a message or call, the screen will light up and a light sensor will detect that the phone is receiving a call or message. The LED light will flash to inform the user of the message or call. If the user presses the button to retrieve his/her phone, the phone will be spun out and the music played will be paused. If not, the flashing will discontinue after 5 seconds.

All the information from the sensors will be processed by an Arduino. We currently do not know which variant would work the best for us, but an Arduino Uno would certainly do the job.

We have not decided how the music will be played. We are leaning towards using an external speaker.

Possible Challenges

1.How to protect the sensors? How to fix the sensors to the box?

2.What if there is an emergency and people need to use their phones immediately?

3.What should the size of the box be to both handle the size of the phone and sensors and  be convenient for users to carry?

4.How can the box distinguish if it is a message or a less related notification like news?

5.How can we make sure the motors do not damage the phone?


[1] Goldman, Jeremy. "6 Apps to Stop Your Smartphone Addiction." N.p., 21 Oct. 2015. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.

Progress Log

10/14: Finalized physical design of box and submitted drawings to Machine shop

10/21: Finalized selection of sensors for project, placed all orders, and completed skeleton code for project

10/28: Tested motor driver, optical sensors, and touch button

11/04: Finished independent circuits for motor driver, optical sensors, and touch button

11/11: Worked on characterizing the LCD

11/18: Received finished box from machine shop

12/02: Combined circuits with box and DC motor to finish project




PhoneBoxBlock.png (image/png)
PhoneBoxFinalReport.pdf (application/pdf)


This project is approved

Posted by jxiao14 at Sep 23, 2016 16:52

Like the idea, only question is about the parts list: what are the rubber wheels going to be used for?

Posted by ndossa2 at Sep 26, 2016 15:45

We will attach the rubber wheels to the motors. They will roll the phone in and out of the box.

Posted by bjqiao2 at Sep 29, 2016 15:23

Please add a weekly updates section and include log entries on your work and progress.

Posted by atmarsh3 at Oct 20, 2016 12:27

Reminder that everyone should have a short (5 minute) progress report presentation ready for the next meeting! Just share what your team been working on, challenges, opportunities, and your plan for the rest of the semester.

Posted by ajborn2 at Oct 24, 2016 17:12

Correction: presentations will be November 11th (Friday teams) and 14th (Monday teams). However, it's never too early to start preparing demos and stuff!

Posted by ajborn2 at Oct 24, 2016 17:40

Don't forget to write journal entries!

Posted by ajborn2 at Nov 18, 2016 17:29