Evan Zhaoevanhz2ECE 110
Zack Alonzozalonzo2ECE 110

Final Deliverables



Statement of Purpose

We want to design a physical audio spectrum visualizer that takes the audio from a microphone (ideally with music playing into it) and displays the spectrum of frequencies in real time. We would do this on a grid of 16x32 RGB LED lights, and we would implement color modes so that you can pick which one you want, making it more visually interesting.


  • Create a functioning system in which frequencies read from the sound sensor are displayed in the appropriate column on the LED matrix

  • Have the amplitude of the sound input mapped onto the y-axis of the LED matrix (louder sounds in certain frequency ranges go higher in their respective columns)

  • Utilize our RGB lights to have different modes for the color output (ex. have it all be the same color, a gradient so the bottom color turns into the top color as you move up the rows, and even an option to have morphing colors)

Background Research

We want to incorporate our prior interests in music into our studies of electronics through this project. We have researched many similar projects that have visualized audio on a LED grid and the processes they used to create their displays. This project differs from the ones we found as we are utilizing a full RGB display with multiple options to create a more visually appealing effect.

As we are both new to the world of electronics we have decided to use the Arduino Uno as it is an entry level Arduino microprocessor with its easily accessible library of information and has a wide range of compatible sensors.

Block Diagram / Flow Chart

System Overview

Music - This is the music that is playing for the device to react to (it will, of course, display the frequency spectrum of any sound it hears, but its intended purpose is for music)

Arduino Sound Sensor - Detects the sound being played and inputs the sound data into the Arduino Uno.

Arduino - Obtains the input data from the sound sensor and runs the code that analyzes and processes the sound data. It then sends the output/instructions to the LED Matrix.

Computer - Where the code is written and then imported into the Arduino Uno.

32x16 LED Matrix - Receives the signal from the Arduino Uno and displays what it is told to by the code.

Power Sources - 5V for LED and a 9V battery for the Arduino Uno and sound sensor (from ECE 110 kit)



16x32 RGB LED Matrix

1Display the visualizerAdafruit$24.95

Arduino Uno Rev3


Microprocessor for

handling the arduino code

Honors Lab Inventory$18.66
USB-A to USB-B Cable1Connecting computer to arduinoHonors Lab Inventory0
Electret Microphone Amplifier1Sound sensorAdafruit$6.95
5V Power Supply1Power supply for LED matrix





PwrON 6.6 FT Long 5V 2A AC to DC Power Adapter Charger For Justop Droibox MX One Ace MX2 Android TV Box -

Arduino RGB Matrix Shield1Connecting the Arduino Uno to the LED matrixAdafruit$5.95Adafruit RGB Matrix Shield for Arduino : ID 2601 : $5.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

Total Price: $71.50

Possible Challenges

We believe that coding the audio input into the LED display will be difficult, but there is a lot of documentation for the 16x32 LED matrix. It will also be a small challenge to learn how to wire everything properly. Additionally, we could run into the problem of the device not displaying in real time (so lagging behind the music that is being played).


"32-Band Audio Spectrum Visualizer Analyzer", Arduino Project Hub, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16- Sep- 2021]. 

P. Burgess, "32x16 and 32x32 RGB LED Matrix", Adafruit Learning System, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17- Sep- 2021].

[3]A. Ghassaei, "Arduino Audio Input", Instructables, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18- Sep- 2021].


Seems like a good project! You may finish a bit early so keep a couple of stretch goals in mind.

That being said, you definitely want to start doing research on the libraries and code that will help you convert the sound sensor data into data that can be displayed on the LED matrix. I encourage you to update the wiki with any research and stretch goals you come up with.

I'll approve the project, double check your parts will be compatible and that you have all the resistors / capacitors you may need. Great job!

Posted by dbycul2 at Sep 23, 2021 16:02


Posted by elihf2 at Sep 23, 2021 18:14

Are we group #1?

Posted by evanhz2 at Sep 24, 2021 19:08


Posted by dbycul2 at Sep 25, 2021 20:37