Zhonghao Panzp3ECE110
Haoyang Zhanghz5ECE120
Haiyang Zhanghaiyang3ECE120

Project Proposal Guideline

  1. Introduction

    1. Statement of Purpose

      In some sci-fi movies, we see how characters can use their hands in 3D space to touch the screen. A solution to that scene is to build a mouse glove that is able to replace mouse using gestures like taps and slides. Also in recent year, new inventions like VR come into our lives. This project can be very useful as we are entering the era of virtual reality, where controls need to be more intuitive and effective. We believe that our project will be a perfect replacement for a mouse that will prevail the era of VR.

      Former companies like 'Gest' industrialize some similar products but they are not into the market yet. Their products are a bit too complex to be manufactured but also contain a lot of extra functions like a "mouse keyboard". We want to build a simple product to replace only the mouse so it can be easily manufactured and go in the market.

  2. Design Details

    1. Block Diagram / Flow Chart

    2. System Overview

      The touch sensor pick up any touches and the gyrosscope pick up the direction the hand is going. Both sensors send signals to the Arduino. Arduino process the signal the transfer them to a signal that can control the mouse of a PC and sended out by the bluetooth module on the Arduino to PC.
    3. Sensors:
            Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121, 
           3-Axis Gyroscope Sensor BMG160, 
           Arduino UNO, 
           HC05 Bluetooth Emitter
    4. Logical component:
      2:4 Decoder made of NAND(SN74LS00N) and INVERTER(SN74LS04N)

  3. Possible Challenges

    Not familiar to all sensors components.
    Detect 3D movements using Gyroscope.
    Integrate all sensors into Arduino.

  4. Code:

  5. References


Capture.PNG (image/png)


Add in a logic elements in order to satisfy the 120 requirement. Thanks.



Posted by tlgraha2 at Feb 20, 2017 21:33