We are going to make a heartbeat sensor using lasers and send that data to your cellphone using Bluetooth. We can use that data to see how your heart rate is after doing certain activities, such as exercising or eating. This information can be used to improve one's health and daily performance.
We were initially going to use a laser to sense changes in a person's finger to detect the heartbeat. We realized that an IR LED is what is used in medical heartbeat detectors. A receiver will detect the changes in the intensity of the light due to the change in amount of blood in the finger. This is what we will use to compute the heart rate of the person. We looked at medical grade heartbeat sensors and tried to understand how they are built and the basis of their operation. Using this information, we plan to make a heart beat sensor that can send the data to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This way the heartbeat can be monitored remotely and the data can be saved and statistics can be synthesized.
System overview
To make this heartbeat sensor, we will use an LED of some sort to shine a light on your finger, and the reflections off your finger will be measured with the light sensor. We will use an Arduino to make all the computations and relay that data to a smartphone using a Bluetooth chip.
List of parts
- Heartbeat Module with Finger Probe
- Bluetooth Module for Arduino UNO
- LCD Display
Possible Challenges
- There could be some "noise" with the light sensor which could interfere with our results
- Figuring out how to connect Bluetooth
- Coding
- Figuring out what to do with the data
ElProCus - Electronic Projects for Engineering Students. (2019). Heart Beat Sensor - How to Measure Heart Beat: Working and Application. [online] Available at: https://www.elprocus.com/heartbeat-sensor-working-application/.
"Heartbeat Sensor Using Arduino (Heart Rate Monitor)". Electronics Hub, 2019, https://www.electronicshub.org/heartbeat-sensor-using-arduino-heart-rate-monitor/.
Mark Cho - hyojaec2 (120)
Ben Zhao - bqzhao2 (110)
Siddharth Garg - ssgarg2 (120)
Untitled Diagram.html.pdf (application/pdf)
Untitled.png (image/png)