Team Members :

  • David Luo/davidjl2, ECE110

  • Tim Jin/yumingj2, ECE110


  1. Statement of Purpose

    Our project is a light based instrument that will contain light beams and sensors to determine whether the beams are broken or not. Depending on which beams are broken, different sounds will be produced. We think our project will be more portable, and different tones in a scale could be programmed, so it would remain versatile and easy to play for beginners. Also, it's interesting to see, so it would attract people to play guitar or learn more.

  2. Background Research

    We were inspired to do this project because we are both guitar players and are interested in new ways to explore this old instrument. We think music enriches people's lives, and having some sort of device that makes music easily accessible and interesting (flashing lights) would draw people do maybe explore more art/music. We looked at other devices such as drums, but we think a harp/guitar setup would be the easiest to play, and with the ability to program different sounds, we are restricted by instrument. 

Design Details

  1. Block Diagram

  2. System Overview

    We will use a power source to supply enough power for the laser modules and light sensors. Each laser module has its corresponding light sensor. When we block the laser shoot on the light sensor, the light sensor will give a broke signal to the Arduino board. Depends on which sensor is giving that broke signal, different sounds will be made by the loud speaker.


  • 10 KOhms resistors
  • Laser Modules
  • Light Sensors
  • Arduino (From 110 Lab Kit)
  • SparkFun Music Instrument Shield
  • Battery Source (From 110 lab Kit )
  • On/Off Switch
  • Speaker

Possible Challenges

  1. We might have several laser modules very close to each other (like guitar strings) and it may be challenge to clear the interference between them.
  2. Triggering of sounds only at the falling edge of input.
  3. Sustainability of the sounds (fade out effect).
  4. Multiple sounds played together.
  5. Have our own recorded sounds as input (change from music files to .h files).






Include a challenges and parts section please.


Posted by tlgraha2 at Feb 20, 2017 21:30