Team member: Name: Ruhao Xia NetID: rxia4 Course: ECE120
Statement of purpose: last semester, we made the small model for the automatic photoreceptive curtain. In the primary model, we use continuous servo motor to control the curtain, but to get the position feedback, we also need to use hall effect sensor and D-flip flop to get the information of position of the curtain. For this semester, I want to use more photo sensors to get more accurate measurement and adjust the curtain more accurately as well, not just open and close. And I also want to implement the control system to the real curtain in the lab.
Background: People always try to develop innovation to make life easier. Sometimes we are just too lazy to adjust the curtain in the room, but to get an environment with suitable light, we can use the automatic control system to let the machine do for us. By this automatic photoreceptive curtain, we can always achieve suitable environment light.
Block Diagram
For this semester, I decide to use more light sensors to get a better measurement of the environment light. Several light sensors can be installed at different position to get a overall measurement. And to drive a real curtain, I need the a more powerful motor, maybe a stepper motor. The Arduino board should be enough for this project.
Stepper motor
Driver module
light sensor
hall effect sensor(maybe?)
Arduino board
Possible challenge
It is the first time to try with a stepper motor, I do not know how it works.
It is a challenge to construct a model with several light sensors and make the decision based on that model.
Finish the circuit diagram for different parts of the circuit: Light sensor, hall effect sensor.
Finish building the basic logic units with hall effect sensor and D flip-flop. But have some trouble with light sensor because do not know how to use Arduino to measure the output signal of the light sensor.
Finishing test the stepper motor. There are some problems about this structure actually, and the static friction is a little large for the stepper motor to move without pushing. A lower speed can solve this problem.
Finish coding. Have the problem that cannot initialize the start point of curtain.
Final report:
Name: Ruhao Xia netID: rxia4 Course:ECE120
IMG_1221.JPG (image/jpeg)
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IMG_1231.JPG (image/jpeg)
ECE 120 honor project.pdf (application/pdf)