Created by Unknown User (storre27), last modified on Mar 03, 2017
1. Introduction
a. Statement of Purpose
Our project will explore applications of the hall effect by using a magnetic field to levitate an LED. The objective is to use a hall sensor to detect the proximity of a magnet that will have an LED embedded in its center. The detection of the magnet will use a logic gate to signal our circuit to provide a current through a coil that will create a magnetic field to sustain our LED in midair.
b. Background Research
We spent a week looking through projects on sparkfun and youtube videos of all the various projects. We had decided to pick this project because it utilizes basic elements of physics and electronics such as the hall effect and LED circuit work. We also took into consideration the level of knowledge, challenges, and purpose to finalize our decision. This Sparkfun blog for Enginursday was the first take we had on the idea of using the hall effect to levitate an LED.
The intrinsic driving force to work on this project stems from the learning potential available. As ECE students we wanted to expand our experience in using the hall effect sensors with coils, circuits connected to LEDs, schematic designing, logic gate applications, and research based testing. These are the goal skills, but we are well aware that we will be learning much more along the way.
In our search for other group projects other than the Sparkfun blog that detailed a floating LED as a test subject, this commercial Youtube video only shows a real application that is not for sale. Our project includes a logic gate component that will run current through the coil when the hall sensor senses the magnet embedded LED.