Team Members
William Tran, wtran2, ECE 110
Halim Park, halimp2, ECE 120
Feiyang Li, feiyang3, ECE 120
Listening to music is fun. Playing music provides the fun and a skill to the person. However, the sound that comes from it is all auditory and full of sound waves, which is pretty lame to a certain extent. The average ECE Honors student is only capable of listening to the sounds, but can do more with it. Why not make the sound "visible"? By making a light equalizer, not only will people be able to hear the music being produced, but also see their creations in a wonderful and colorful light show!
Background Research:
Week 2:
Below is the Block Diagram of the project
Overview of the Project:
In this project, it will start with the signal receiver. Sound waves will travel through the and be picked up by the receiver. After picking up on the signal, the receiver will send it to the Arduino attached. This is where the juicy things happen. The Arduino will process the signal and send it to the LED Panel where it will display a certain amount of LEDs in a pattern to match the sound wave that was picked up.
Parts List:
- RedBoard
- 32x32 RGB LED Matrix Panel
- Signal Receiver
Possible Challenges:
One possible challenge is Coding the panel to display the amplitude, frequency, and period as the LEDs light up. With sound waves varying, being able to match the LED quantities to the waves could be difficult. Another possible challenge to this lab would be the changing of colors on the panel when the waves have certain characteristics.