Honors Lab Project Proposal

  1. Introduction

    1. Statement of Purpose
      To build a system to determine overpronation and supination in runners and provide real-time feedback for the promotion of healthy, safe, and efficient running technique. This method could potentially be an alternative to cost-prohibitive and time-consuming gait analysis.

    2. Background Research
      Overpronation and supination while running can lead to serious injuries including shin splints, stress fractures, and various knee problems. Normally, to fix running form problems involving overpronation and supination, a video is taken of the runner by a coach and analyzed frame by frame. This procedure is slow, and expensive and is unattainable for most amateur runners.

  2. Design Details

    1. Block Diagram / Flow Chart

    2. System Overview
      Retrieve pressure readings from the sensors, send the readings to ESP32 the board by a wired connection. There will be 2 to 4 pressure sensors embedded in the sole of the shoe located approximately midfoot. The sensors will be placed at opposite ends of the shoe so as to tell whether a greater pressure is applied to the outside of the shoe indicating supination or towards the inside indicating overpronation. The board sends the pressure data to the phone app, which processes the data and stores it as a time-series. After processing the data, a signal will be sent back to 2 feedback mechanisms (either a haptic motor or electrode) which will give the runner real time feedback on how to improve his/her gait (if the runner feels the buzz or shock on the left side of the foot, he/she will know to move his/her foot more right and vice versa). After the runner is finished running, he/she can open the app and go through a visualization of overpronation/supination during his/her run. The feedback will be given through a vibration motor which is attached to the runner's leg.

      Here is how the two sensors will be placed in the insole:

    3. Taking measurements from the force sensors will be very simple using an ESP32 or any other Arduino board. The force sensor is simply a resistor and its resistance will vary depending on the force applied to it, which can be monitored and analysed using an Arduino.

    4. Principle of working: before the run a person stands still while Arduino measures the distribution of the force through the force sensors and records it as the standard. If the runner's pronation is incorrect, there will be a different distribution of the force to when he stood still. In this case, we determine whether if it is supination or overpronation and give the runner the necessary feedback.

Why this will work:

By observing the wear pattern on shoes, it can be determined if said individual has a tendency to overpronate or supinate. An example is shown below. This wear pattern can only be achieved by an uneven force distribution which will be measured using two force sensors located on the inside and outside side of the insole.


  • 2 pressure sensors per shoe

  • ESP32 wireless communications board.

  • 4 low power electrodes or haptic vibration motors

  • battery

  • Test running shoes with good cushioning (size 9)

  • 22 AWG wires

  • Exacto Knife

  • Insoles.

At first, we will be using an Arduino Uno to test if the force probes are good at identifying the problem and if it is, we will go for a more expensive board that has Bluetooth and takes up less space. As for the force sensors, we are trying to go for the smallest possible area to be able to identify the pressure distribution more accurately and bigger force rating since the pressure during the foot's landing can go quite high.

Possible Challenges

Pressure sensors might not function under the extreme loads from running. The highest-rated sensors are made for loads under 30kg*, while we are expecting the loads up to 150kg during the contact of the foot with the ground. In order to solve this problem, we will be cutting indentations in the insoles in order to redistribute the force to the rest of the surface of the insole and collect 'sized-down' signal. It is also critical that the running shoes have good cushioning so as to mitigate the tremendous dynamic load exerted on the sensor and protect the runner's feet from the embedded electronics. Since we only care about the relative readings of the sensors, the decrease in the magnitude should not affect the validity of this method



  1. References

    1. Pressure Sensors - https://www.adafruit.com/product/166?gclid=CjwKCAiAp5nyBRABEiwApTwjXjitc1sUrCMbNlz6Vfh79KgCSOlgEu_-BvHD4e8vnawS1nXep7DH1xoCVBYQAvD_BwE


Please re-upload your block diagram since it is not showing correctly. How do you plan to use the pressure sensors' data to determine whether the runner's gate is correct? 

You might also have to think about how your electronics are going to connect to your shoes. This would be fairly challenging since there will be a lot of motion and impact to your electronic system.

Posted by yuchenc2 at Feb 16, 2020 02:15

Same as Johnny's comment; your diagram needs to be reuploaded as it is not loading correctly. In addition, your proposal is missing the most important and most central part of your project; how the heck do you detect correctness of running gait from pressure sensors? This is a huge hole in your proposal that needs to be addressed. This is a non-trivial challenge.

Posted by fns2 at Feb 16, 2020 13:08

Reebok has a pair of shoes based on this concept. I would see if there are any patents or reverse-engineering projects online that you could learn from to figure out how to determine correct running gait. Cool idea though, I would iron out some details.

Posted by dbycul2 at Feb 16, 2020 21:43

Looks like a good project! I might not shock their foot, but the feedback is an important part.

Do some more research on the best sensors to accomplish this. As previously mentioned, it is not easy and may require some creative solutions.

Posted by weustis2 at Feb 16, 2020 22:43

Please revise your proposal as suggested. Your proposal is not yet approved.

Posted by fns2 at Feb 20, 2020 18:53

We have edited the proposal and addressed all the comments in it.

Posted by maxima2 at Feb 24, 2020 19:02

Project approved. Ensure shoe selection is price-efficient.

Posted by weustis2 at Feb 25, 2020 18:39