Lukas Janavicius - janavic2 - ECE 110
Jia Huang - jiawh2 - ECE 120
Albert Yoo - alberty3 - ECE 120
Weight Lifting Fitness Tracker
- The purpose of this project is to create a wearable device which tracks the quantity and quality of one’s workout
- Primary goals
- Be able to track the number/speed/depth of repetitions and sets for an exercise in a weightlifting session.
- Be able to track the distance traveled and speed on a run.
- Stretch goals
- Using an IR sensor to record the user’s heart rate during the workout.
- Connecting the device to bluetooth so that the recorded data is shown on your phone.
Background Research
- For this project we have looked into ways to track the position of the device.
- Upon this research we have decided that an accelerometer will give us the greatest range of diversity in terms of expandability of the project (ie we can track xyz positions during a variety of activities).
- Researched into different ways to transmit the data ie. SD card and bluetooth.
- Past Experiences
- Proficient in Matlab, python, and other scientific computing languages
- Experience working with Arduino
System Overview
- Analog data is taken sent from accelerometer to Arduino
- Arduino logs data, and does initial interpretation of it (things like if a cycle was completed or not)
- Arduino sends data via SD card or Bluetooth.
- A red led will display if the device had neither an sd card or blue tooth connection.
- Receiving device interprets data ie. If a rep was ‘good’ or total positional data from a run, and displays to the user
- Accelerometer
- Arduino nano
- Arduino SD card module
- Arduino Blue tooth module
- LIPO battery pack
- Strap to attach to user.
- Implementing a system that balances ease of design and use
- While the SD card route is the easiest form to create, it is not terribly user friendly as it requires additional effort to export and interpret the data.
- The blue tooth route is instantaneous and requires very little additional user effort, but may be harder to program and implement with hardware.
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