ECE 120

Chris Willenborg  cwillen2

Xiaowei Zhang xzhan145

Purpose: Our purpose is to help lazy people or elder people or busy people to easily manage their home or offices so that they could focus on their works. 

We are planning to develop a PCB circuit for general Bluetooth use. Currently, we are concentrating on implementing Bluetooth into our circuit and combining it all onto a PCB. The control system is programmable, based on inputs from the Bluetooth device that is sending the signal. The system features: a PCB that has a programmable chip that will control the circuit, a Bluetooth sensor used to receive inputs, an app, and signal transmitters and receivers used to communicate with them. This would be useful to control devices remotely with any device that has Bluetooth access.

We looked at the SparkFun website to figure out which sort of Bluetooth device would be compatible with modern Bluetooth devices. We looked at a few of the tutorials on SparkFun to figure out what properties would be most applicable to our project. We looked at the Android and Apple websites to see which devices are compatible.

We will need to design our PCB so that it can be fabricated, we will include a barrel jack, (2) TX RX LEDs, Simblee BLE (SparkFun # : RFD77101), a microprocessor, 


We may run into trouble creating an app and designing the PCB considering the fact that neither of us have designed a PCB or created an app before.

[1]S. RFD77101, S. Thing, S. ESP8266, S. Board, P. (Headers), I. Edison, I. Kit, L. RFD77101, R. Kit, R. DIP and P. Headers), "SparkFun Simblee BLE Breakout - RFD77101 - WRL-13632 - SparkFun Electronics",, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Sep- 2016].


FinalReport.pdf (application/pdf)


Posted by cdschmit at Oct 08, 2016 07:09

Reminder that everyone should have a short (5 minute) progress report presentation ready for the next meeting! Just share what your team been working on, challenges, opportunities, and your plan for the rest of the semester.

Posted by ajborn2 at Oct 24, 2016 17:15

Don't forget to write your weekly journal update!

Posted by ajborn2 at Oct 24, 2016 17:19

Correction: presentations will be November 11th (Friday teams) and 14th (Monday teams). However, it's never too early to start preparing demos and stuff!

Posted by ajborn2 at Oct 24, 2016 17:42