Chris Morales cem3 ECE 110
Jiayi Wu jaiyiwu3 ECE 110
Zachary Hoegberg zh2 ECE 110
- Introduction
- Statement of Purpose
- Our project will enable further exploration of underwater areas while collecting useful data such as water depth, flow rate, high-quality pictures, and mapping 1.
- Background Research
- The majority of underwater areas on Earth are unexplored, including potentially hundreds of undiscovered species. In addition, collecting data on underwater areas is important to developing new resources, such as electricity from geothermal vents and understanding how industry water usage can effect natural resources.
- Underwater ROVs have a long history in hobby robotics, including a large community of open-source controls and designs. We will utilize these resources to develop a more cost-effective device. We want to develop this device to aid in data collection for a wide range of users, including climate researchers and marine biologists.
- Statement of Purpose
- Design Details
- Block Diagram
b. System Overview
- Parts
- Waterproof shell
- Sonar sensor
- Arduino Mini or other microcontroller
- wireless communication device
- propellers or bilge pumps for motion
- Pressure/Depth sensor
- Various other sensors, e.g. camera, flow, chemical, temperature
- Remote Controller
- power source
- SD card or flash drive to save data
- LEDs to light driving area
- Possible Challenges
- Wireless control through water
- stabilizing the ROV
- waterproofing everything
- cost of motors of other motion control elements
- Data accuracy (potentially use sensor array to improve accuracy)
- Combating surrounding pressure
- Not disturbing marine life and ensuring the ROV is not damaged by marine life
- Development time
- References
- 1
BlockDiagram.jpg (image/jpeg)