Name | NetID | Course |
Aaryan | aaryand2 | ECE 120 |
Jeep | ckaewla2 | ECE 120 |
Daniel | scho95 | ECE 110 |
Statement of Purpose
The goal of this project is to design and develop a spherical robot that can be controlled to roll around. The spherical design is what makes this project unique as it uses a gyroscope and accelerometer to stabilize itself and roll in a controlled fashion.
Background Research
Our project is heavily inspired by Bb-8 from Star Wars. The two are conceptually similar in terms of the idea of using a spherical design for a robot. We have also looked at TechBuilder’s video on building a DIY BB-8 replica as inspiration for our project.
Design Details
A. Flow Diagram
B. System Overview:
The power supply provides power to the microcontroller and motors. The Arduino communicates with the Bluetooth Module and the Motors to control the ball’s commands. The bluetooth module communicates back and forth with the app and Arduino to relay commands from the user to make BALL move.
Robotics & Electronics:
Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Shield
2x Pololu (19:1) 37D Metal Gearbox
4 Cell Lithium Battery Pack (2x)
Switch, DC Jack, Wires, Solder
If we finish it early, then we would make these parts as well:
BB8's Body:
Inflatable Beach Ball (Diameter: 50cm)
2 Bottles of PVA Glue (a.k.a Elmer's Glue)
White, Grey and Orange (Tangerine) Spray Paint
Roll-on Deodorants
BB8's Head:
Styrofoam Ball (Diameter: 300mm/ 12 inches)
Christmas Ball (Size of BB8's Eye)
White, Grey and Orange (Tangerine) Spray Paint
Possible Challenges
Maintaining balance of the Spherical Robot after each command
Fit every component into the sphere and make sure every part remains in its positions after each movement
Figuring out software for control in case bluetooth control app does not work.
Instructables. (2016). DIY Life-Size Phone Controlled BB8 Droid. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Sep. 2019].