ECE 110/120 Honors Lab Section : Arduino Beehive Temperature and Humidity Monitors

Final Report

Group Members: Kefan Tu

Description: Our project uses temperature and humidity sensors to determine the living environment of the bee hive. From this information we can analyze a certain bee hive to assess whether or not the bees are living in optimal conditions.


1) Temperature Sensor 

2) Weight Sensor

3) Humidity Sensor 

4) Beehive/Bees

5) Arduino

Weekly journal

Sept. 28th

Last week we were wondering that whether the weight sensor can tell the living conditions of bees are good. Today we realized that even when bees go in and out every day (usually our on morning and in at night), we can still find an average value of the weight of the beehive if bees live well and continue producing honey. 

The LauchPad made by TI that you recommended really helps and it is a good fit for this project. ( It includes the temperature and humidity sensor that we need to use and also have other monitors like the light sensor and sound sensor that we may be able to add in this project after we finish the temperature&humidity part.

Also, we can read the data monitored on the 4-Digit Display. The 4-Digit-Display will show the reading as: [xx:xx]=[temperature(Celsius):humidity(%)]


Here is the circuit of temperature&humidity monitoring circuit: 



  • Grove-Temp & Humidity Sensor x1

  • Grove-4-Digit Display x1

  • Grove cable x2

  • LaunchPad Development Kit


* 4-digital-display attached to pin38 & pin39

* signal pin of the Grove-Temperature-Humidity Sensor to the analog pin 24


*About the Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro (from 

Measuring Current Supply-1.5 mA
Standby Current Supply-40-50 uA
Measuring RangeHumidity5%-99%RH
Temperature-40 -80°C
Long-term Stability---±0.5%RH/year
Signal Collecting Period--2-S
Respond Time1/e(63%)6-20S



Oct. 5th

Changes to the list of group members: The other two members just quit the project, so now only left Kefan Tu.

Initial Parts List:

Grove Starter Kit for LaunchPad(temperature & humidity sensor included):

Weight sensor:

Operational Amplifier:

When I was considering which weight sensor to choose I also thought that the weight changes that we will detect every day might be too small to be accurately monitored. Therefore this project may need an operational amplifier to make the changes on weight of the beehive more easily to be detected. 

Next week I will begin working on the codes that allow the devices to function. 


Oct. 12th

Still working on the codes for the temperature&humidity sensor and the 4-digital-display. I'll attach my codes when I finish them. More details will be included in my paper journal. 


Oct. 26-Nov.2

These 2 weeks I have been working on how load cells work with amplifier LM358N, which is in the ECE110 Kit. The following is a diagram of it. 

The load sensor(SEN-10245 ) looks like this: 

Load Sensor - 50kg

This is a half-bridge load cell, whose white wire is connected to the power source of 5V, black wire to the GND and red wire connected to the Vinput. 

I will probably use this schematic to tell a difference in Vout when there is a pressure on the load cells. If Rf=Rg and R1=R2, Vout=Rf/R1 x (V1-V2)




I could not get readings from the load cell as I expected. The readings I got just fluctuated randomly and did not change according to the pressure on the sensor. This might be caused by large measurement noise of the load cell and I tried some method to deal with that but failed at last. I don't think I would finish that by the end of this semester, and the stuff with the measurement noise is kind of out of my initial purpose of this project, so I decided to work on something else. 

I would like to add a buzzer on the project, which will alert beekeepers if the temperature or humidity goes beyond some certain value, which we need to decide after a number of measurements. It is designed to be that the buzzer will work, if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees of Centigrade(which might be too high for the bees). Then beekeepers will take notice of that and do something to control the temperature. 



  • Grove-Buzzer x1
  • Grove cable x1
  • LaunchPad Development Kit



Signal pin of Grove-Buzzer connected to pin 36

The sound is designed to be: 1. Notes: g, g; 2. Beats: 1, 3; Tempo: 300ms.

(from The calculation of the tones is made following the mathematical operation:

 timeHigh = period / 2 = 1 / (2 * toneFrequency) 

where the different tones are described as in the table:

note    frequency    period    timeHigh
c       261 Hz       3830       1915 	
d       294 Hz       3400       1700 	
e       329 Hz       3038       1519 	
f       349 Hz       2864       1432 	
g       392 Hz       2550       1275 	
a       440 Hz       2272       1136 	
b       493 Hz       2028       1014	
C       523 Hz       1912        956



image2015-12-6 14:4:59.png (image/png)
Kefan Tu.pdf (application/pdf)


The Launch Pad Seeed made by TI could be a really good fit for this project. Check it out below:



Posted by nrenner2 at Sep 23, 2015 18:22

Also, please include the names of all your group members on this page. Thanks!





Posted by nrenner2 at Sep 23, 2015 18:42