The Team: Prannav Gupta (prannav2), Vatsin Shah (vns2), Chirag Nanda (cnanda2) (all ECE 110)

Session: 6-7pm Tuesdays

Project Proposal


Statement of purpose 

The purpose of this project is to create a real-time tracing robot that prints an image being drawn simultaneously. 

Design details

Using a resistive touch overaly, a user will be able to draw an image that will be traced on a separate surface by a robot in real time. The robot the will be controlled by a servo motor and two stepper motors, moving along a fixed x-y plane. The robot will be controlled with either a raspberry pi or an arduino. 

Possible challenges

The main challenge we will face is getting the robot to trace emulate the drawing fast enough so that a user will not need a screen to view the image he/she is drawing 

Block Diagram




System Overview

This system takes input from a Resistive Touch Overlay and sends x and y coordinates to the RaspberryPi which controls the stepper motors and a micro servo. Each stepper motor is controlled by a motor driver circuit (pre-built). The stepper motors would move a pen on the x and y axes and the micro servo pushes the pen onto the paper to maintain pressure. The approximate size of the entire design depends on the size of the touch overlay.

Parts Needed

  • Arduino UNO/RaspberryPi
  • 2 Stepper Motors
  • Micro Servo
  • Motor Drivers for stepper motors
  • Resistive touch Overlay
  • Chassis (3D printed)
  • Marker
  • Power Adapter

Project report:


BD.jpg (image/jpeg)
Legend.jpg (image/jpeg)
block_diagram.jpg (image/jpeg)
Honors project report.pdf (application/pdf)


Cool project idea!  Please add the System Overview section to your project proposal then ask a CA for project approval.  Some questions I have are how are the motors going to keep pressure against the drawing surface and how do you envision the physical design to look like?

Posted by mnwilso2 at Feb 11, 2019 23:23

Project approved

Posted by mnwilso2 at Feb 14, 2019 18:38

Demoed! Good job getting everything together.

Posted by chorn4 at Apr 30, 2019 14:50