ECE 110/120 Honors Lab Section : Attendance Emulation System (Ha>clicker)

Ziyue Wang (ziyue2 ECE 110)

Ziang Guo (ziangg2 ECE 120)

Project Proposal

  1. Introduction

            a.Statement of Purpose

            The goal of this project is to create a replacement for the originally bulky, ugly, hard-to-use and low battery life iclikers with ESP32 micro-controller with integrated wireless. This can be used as a lightweight but equally functional substitute to your iclicker. It provides rechargeable Li-Ion batteries for longer battery life, low profile design, low cost and no need to worry about losing an expensive iclicker and dealing with the unfriendly identity code changing sequence.

             b.Backgroud Research

            We looked into the internal structures of the original iclicker series. Both the first and the second generation of the iclicker used microcontrollers from ATMega as the “brain” of the entire device. Our ESP32 happens to use microcontrollers of the same line up that can be programmed into implementing the same function. This means the possibility of replicating the controller inside iclickers with ESP32s is very high.

            The iclickers operate on the 900Mhz WLAN frequency band and communicate with a USB-powered terminal which sits on the instructor’s table. In order to replicate the function of an iclicker, out device must be able to receive data packs from the terminal to establish communication and send answer packages to the terminal. This can be done with Wi-Fi add-ons designed for ESP32s and some clever programming. We don’t need to decode the original iclicker data packs, we only need to send identical ones to perform the same function.

              Since the iclicker system require identification codes that is unique to each iclicker, the user must still purchase his or her own iclicker to actually use our device. But in the case of a lost hacklicker, the user does not need to purchase a new iclicker and replace the original identification code for each class in different systems.

    2. Logical Diagram


ECE110H.jpg (image/jpeg)


Just add a block diagram, project approved

Posted by chorn4 at Feb 23, 2018 17:07