Parag Bajaj (paragb2)

Tanmay Thakur (tthakur2)


Statement of Purpose

        In today's world, computers play an integral role. The day-to-day life interaction with computers is heavily dependent on software. People tend to overlook the hardware aspect of the computer. As ECE majors, we aim to gain technical knowledge on the functioning of the core components of a computer. Building the 8-bit computer provides us an opportunity to apply the concepts learnt in ECE 110 and ECE 120 and boost our technical knowledge regrading the construction of the various components of the computer and linking them together to make a simple, self-sufficient computer. 

Background Research

        To understand more about the functionality of the various computer components, we referred to Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino and Jerald A Brown. We followed the Simplest-As-Possible (SAP) designs from the book along with the tutorials from Ben Eater's 8-bit Computer.

Our subgroup will focus on the memory unit, which includes the Random Access Memory. After we achieve this, we will focs on the program counter. In the meantime, the other subgroup will focus on the processing unit which includes the arithematic and logic unit and the temporary registers . After each group finishes their respective tasks, we will incorporate them into a single 8 bit computer.

Design Details

Parts List

7Breadboard$3 - $8$21 - $56Amazon
122 AWG Solid Tinned-Copper Hook-Up Wire$18.00$18.00AmazonJameco
91kΩ resistor$0.04$0.36DigikeyAmazon
810kΩ resistor$0.04$0.32DigikeyAmazon
2100kΩ resistor$0.04$0.08DigikeyAmazon
8470Ω resistor$0.04$0.32DigikeyAmazon
11MΩ resistor$0.04$0.04DigikeyAmazon
11MΩ potentiometer$2.50$2.50DigikeyAmazon
60.01µF capacitor$0.15$0.90DigikeyAmazon
20.1µF capacitor$0.18$0.36DigikeyAmazon
11µF capacitor$0.71$0.71DigikeyAmazon
4555 timer IC$0.41$1.64Digikey Ebay
274LS00 (Quad NAND gate)$0.50$0.50AmazonDigikey Ebay

74LS04 (Hex inverter)

$0.50$2.50AmazonDigikey Ebay
274LS08 (Quad AND gate)$0.50$1.00AmazonDigikey Ebay
174LS32 (Quad OR gate)$0.50$0.50AmazonDigikey Ebay
174LS76 (Dual JK flip-flop)$2.00$2.00Amazon Ebay
174LS139 (Dual 2-line to 4-line decoder)$0.50$0.50Amazon Ebay
474LS157 (Quad 2-to-1 line data selector)$0.50$2.00Amazon Ebay
174LS161 (4-bit synchronous binary counter)$0.50$2.00Ebay
174LS173 (4-bit D-type register)$1.00$7.00Ebay
274LS189 (64-bit random access memory)$1.50$3.00Ebay
574LS245 (Octal bus transceiver)$0.50$2.50Amazon Ebay
174LS273 (Octal D flip-flop)$0.50$0.50Amazon Ebay
128C16 EEPROM$3.80$24.00Ebay
2Double-throw toggle switch$2.50$7.60Amazon
2Momentary 6mm tact switch$0.50$5.00Amazon
18-position DIP switch$0.50$0.50Amazon Ebay
14-position DIP switch$0.05$0.50Amazon Ebay
31Red LED$0.05$2.05Amazon Ebay
4Yellow LED$0.05$1.00

Amazon Ebay

5Green LED$0.05$0.55Amazon Ebay
5Blue LED$0.75$1.10Amazon Ebay
4Common cathode 7-segment display
$3.00Amazon Ebay

Possible Challenges

Since the project is divided into two groups, the biggest challenges are:

        Making sure that both the groups are working at the same pace and there is good communication

        Both groups can seamlessly integrate their work 

Other possible challenges

        Learning and applying newly learnt knowledge about various computer components in the given time frame

Future Plans

        This project is limited to 8-bits only. Once we have gained enough technical knowledge, the next goal is to scale it to 16-bits so that the computer can perform more complex fucntions.

References - Ben Eater's 8-bit computer - Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino and Jerald A Brown



Untitled Diagram.jpeg (image/jpeg)
Untitled Diagram.png (image/png)


Heads up for you all as you are putting together your parts list. Students have had problems in the past ordering from Ebay and Amazon. Often the people supplying TTL chips and other components are located in foreign countries and items take months to deliver to central Illinois. Also, keep in mind that your honor's project can't just be following someone's online guide. Try to highlight for us how what you all will be doing is different.

Posted by atmarsh3 at Feb 16, 2018 16:12

Hi all, please be aware that you all cannot do the exact same project as the other 8-bit computer group. Currently both groups have the same parts list. You all should not need the same parts because each group should be doing a different part of the project. Please make sure that you all communicate with the other group and decide what each group is doing.

Posted by atmarsh3 at Feb 18, 2018 13:32

Please provide a more clear workload division between the two computer groups. You should have independent part lists, as well as an list of tasks that your specific group is working on. While it can change a little throughout the semester, I do need to see a relatively equal division of work.

Posted by chorn4 at Feb 21, 2018 17:49

Project approved! Just remember to add a block diagram.

Posted by pispati2 at Mar 01, 2018 19:09