More tests were completed with the driving circuit to take advantage of a new and better gate driver. The system, however, did not work as expected because of the gain multiplying that the gate driver uses. The tiniest pulse from the comparator op amp turn the output of the gate driver all the way to 15V and allows a very large amount of current to move very quickly. A scope was connected to show the voltage across the output capacitor (which had a load) and it was a saw waveform of sorts. The frequency was below 10 Hz and the ripple in voltage was massive. The use of capacitors and RC filters could do nothing to limit the reaction time of the gate driver so I put a potentiometer on the output to cut the voltage. Interestingly, lowering the output significantly results in a clean DC output as long as the set output is below a certain point. Bypassing this point (determined by the pot) results in the saw waveform coming back. I will do more tests when I get my new optoisolators in.