Toroidal transformer core was finally received and calculation for the primary began immediately. I calculated the the needed number of turns to hit the flux saturation of my core and then calculated the length of wire needed. I added a great deal of excess to prevent running out (150 total feet). The wire was wound onto two cardboard shuttles in preparation of the winding. I then coated the core in Kapton tape to add further insulation and prevent shorts at the sharp core edges. I then wound 210 turns in two layers and connected the leads to line voltage. A clamp meter read 1.2 amps, so I added around 20 more turns to bring it down to .7A. This current is 90 degrees out of phase with voltage, so no power was really being used. The lead wires were finallized and then tests where done to show the effectiveness of the core. Two turns of 1/0 AWG wire yielded over 1000 amps of current, so the transformer was deemed to be in very good working condition. Testing with certain numbers of turns, it was found that secondary output is .540Vrms per turn with 123.3Vrms on the primary.