Procedure | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Order your lab kit now. | Order Window: Jan 9 - Jan 15 |
Welcome to ECE 110!ECE 110 is a laboratory course with 100 minutes of lecture and 170 minutes of lab in a "normal" 5-day work week. With this time allotment and a design element within the lab, you can anticipate some concepts will be introduced in lecture but many other concepts will be introduced in lab where the hands-on environment can be a better venue for learning. The two aspects of this course, lab and lecture, are complimentary in their roles to enable you to analyze and design electronic circuits. In fact, no student will pass the course unless earning better than 50% in both the lab and non-lab components separately! While most of the course communication is handled at Canvas, you will find that the laboratory-specific information is better presented by the web site you are now viewing. |
white spaceECE 110's Course Site on Canvas:
white space white Contains Syllabus, Lecture, Homework, Quiz/Midterm, and Final Exam information. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
No Lecture. MLK Day. Pre-semester. | Lecture #1. Intro and Professionalism |
Procedure | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
No in-person lab | ECE 110 in-person labs will run Monday-Friday each week. Since Monday January 16th is pre-semester, the in-person lab will begin in Week 2 to keep us on our M-F schedule. | No lab this week, but pickup your lab kit and finish the prelab below for next week! |
Order and pick up your lab kit from the
ECE Supply Center now.
Here's a short video of what I recieved in my bag from the ECE Supply Center: [video] |
Order Window: Jan 9 - Jan 15 Pickup Window: Jan 16 - Jan 27 in ECEB Supply Center - 10am-2pm Last day to request any missing parts: Feb 3 |
Course Syllabus | ||
... Lab Attendance Policy | ||
... Late Submissions | ||
Lab-Focused Office Hours | Will start in Week 3. What are these? While the course has multiple office hours staffed by instructors and CAs, there is no guarantee that this person is intimately aware of the lab assignments and lab policies. The lab-focused office hours are staffed by the lab TAs and will be your best resource for getting face-to-face answers to lab-specific questions. A further perk/draw for attendance will be the extra-credit content available most weeks. By attending the lab-focused office hours, you can receive additional assistance which is particularly nice if you find the topics of the course especially challenging. |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Working as a Team [.pdf] [.docx] | GradeScope Each student will make a video [*.mp4].
Warning: Other video formats will not be accepted. Finish prelab exercises below before the next week's lab meeting. How to Use Gradescope |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
2. Current and Voltage | 3. Measuring and Modeling |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Labs meet in Room 1005 ECEB | Enter 1005 ECEB through the door on the East hallway. You will recevie 15-30 minutes of instruction before moving into the main laboratory space in 1001 ECEB. | |
Team Collaboration and Charter [.pdf] [.docx] | While you complete this exercise to generate your Team Charter, you will want to edit this template [.pdf] [.docx] instead of starting from scratch. | GradeScope "Post-lab" reports are generally submitted within 24 hours after the end of your sheduled lab period (with exceptions noted). |
Lab-Focused Office Hours | Will start in Week 3. | |
...but there is a special learning activity. | Extra Credit: A Serious Failure Causes Multiple Deaths! [.pdf] [.docx] |
GradeScope |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Confirm your kit contents using the [parts list] Alternately, you can go through the kit on this guided tour with Prof. Schmitz: [video] |
Last day to request any missing or broken parts: Feb 3. The videos also provide valuable insight into the parts, avoiding damage to the parts, and avoiding injury to yourself. |
GradeScope |
Next you need to learn about the Breadboard through this Video |
Until you understand the breadboard, you will not become proficient in lab. | GradeScope |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
4. Power and Energy; Efficiency | 5. Electronic Devices |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Lab Equipment Walkaround | A TA-guided tour of the lab, its equipment and their importances in analysis and design. | |
How to Breadboard [.pdf] [.docx] | You have watched the Breadboard video so this will give you a quick refresher then introduce a few electronic components as we learn to build a small circuit. | GradeScope |
Transistor Circuit Models [.pdf] [.docx] | GradeScope | |
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB TAs are available to answer your lab questions and provide guidance on special learning opportunities. |
This week, for our special learning activity, we offer Extra Credit What is a Resistor? [*.pdf][*.docx] You can do this activity at home or come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours to have guideance as you learn about resistance. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Falstad Circuit Simulator [.pdf] [.docx] | Learn to simulate circuits with this easy-to-use tool!
GradeScope |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
6. Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws | 7. Series and Parallel, Power Ratings, Divider Rules |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Keysight Oscilloscope Intro [*.pdf][*.docx] | ||
Falstad RC time constant [*.pdf][*.docx] | ||
Breadboard RC time constant [*.pdf][*.docx] | ||
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB |
This week, we offer Extra Credit Plotting with Python [*.pdf] You can do this activity at home or come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Extech MN35 Multimeter Intro Video [.pdf][.docx] |
Watch the video, then work through the prelab document. | GradeScope |
Kirchhoff's Laws on a Breadboard [.pdf][.docx] |
Now that you know how to use the multimeter, build a circuit and show that you understand Kirchhoff's Laws! | Video on GradeScope |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8. Kirchhoff in Circuit Analysis | 9. Time-Varying Signals: AC, PWM |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Schmitt-Trigger Inverter [.pdf][.docx] |
Cloud Detector [.pdf][.docx] |
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB |
This week, we offer A Timed Reaction [*.pdf] [*.docx] You can do this activity at home or come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
10. Absorbed Power plus Design Choices | 11. Current-Voltage relationships |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Square-Wave Oscillator [.pdf][.docx] |
More on the Oscilloscope [.pdf][.docx] |
Function Generator Introduction [.pdf][.docx] |
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB |
This week, we offer What is a Capacitor? [*.pdf][*.docx] You can come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours to have guideance as you learn about resistance. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Getting Around Resistor Power Limits [.pdf][.docx] |
You can use more than one resistor to 1) get the resistance value you desire and 2) build an "equivalent" resistor from many that can dissipate a much-higher power. | |
Assemble Your Car Chassis:
If you have a faulty motor, DO NOT BUILD the car. They are very difficult to disassemble and you may break it. Go to lab to get a replacement motor first. | |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
12. Using IV for Predicting Behavior | 13. Thevenin-Equivalent Models |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Light-Controlled Motor [.pdf] [.docx] | ||
Light-Seeking Robot [.pdf] [.docx] | ||
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB |
This week, we offer Oscillator Analysis [*.pdf] [*.docx] You can do this activity at home or come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours to have guideance as you learn about resistance. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
14. Norton Models, Transforming Models, Superposition | 15. Node-Voltage Analysis |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Interviewing to avoid assumptions. [.pdf] [.docx] | ||
Debugging [.pdf] [.docx] | ||
Story Telling Video [.pdf] [.docx] | Finish the Video in class or make as much progress as you can using the available in-lab time. You cannot leave early if it isn't done, but you will be given additional time to submit for this part of today's lab. | |
Lab-Focused Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 5-5:50 pm in 1005 ECEB |
This week, we offer Does the Motor have a Thevenin-Equivalent? [*.pdf] [*.docx] You can come to one of this week's Lab-Focused office hours. |
Extra credit submission via GradeScope. |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Soldering is Easy: Here's How to Do It by Mitch Altman, et. al. [.pdf] | With Spring Break coming, consider doing your prelab for Week 10 BEFORE you leave for break so you don't forget! | |
Watch this video on "Tinning Your Tips" at Weller Tools | ||
Mid-Term Written Report: Draft the Outline [.pdf] [.docx] | Start Early! |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Did you remember to finish the Soldering Prelab? |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
16. Intro to Diodes | 17. Diode Circuits |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
18. Diode Applications | 19. Bipolar Junction Transistor |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
20. The BJT's IV Characteristics | 21. BJT's Voltage Transfer Characteristic |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
22. BJT as a Voltage Amplifier | 23. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Meet with your Team outside of lab. | ||
You don't know what you don't know: Common issues in building real circuits. | Submit a completed circuit schematic of your current full-car design. | Progress Report on GradeScope |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
24. More on MOSFET | 25. cMOS Logic |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
This is your last in-lab opportunity for TA assistance and you combine your modules to complete a working design! | Final Project Video and Report due on GradeScope by Wednesday, May 3, midnight!
Final Report Rubric [pdf] [docx] Final Video Rubric [PNG] |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Finish your project and prepare for the Q&A session! |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
26. cMOS Power Consumption | 27. Photodiodes and Solar Panels |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Individual Question and Answer | Your TA will apply this Question and Answer Rubric |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
Complete your peer evaluations. The stakes are high! If you don't complete them, you will lose 50% on all submissions related to the Final Project of this course! | CATME |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
28. Finish and Review | 29. Review |
Procedures | Discussion | Submit to Your TA |
No In-Lab Meeting | Final Project Video and Report due on GradeScope by Wednesday, May 3, midnight!
Final Report Rubric [pdf] [docx] Final Video Rubric [PNG] |