CS 591 SP
Advanced Seminar, Security and Privacy
Spring 2025

Professor David Heath
4322 Siebel Center

Professor Ning Luo
457 Coordinated Science Laboratory


This class consists of weekly seminars on security and privacy. Talks will be from internal and external speakers, and the emphasis will be on discussing research. The class is co-located with the weekly SPRAI (Security and Privacy Research at Illinois) Seminar.

The SPRAI seminar welcomes speakers from within UIUC, and from outside UIUC. Both student and faculty speakers – and even speakers outside academia – are encouraged. If you or someone you know would be interested in giving a talk, please contact the course instructors!

This webpage functions as the course syllabus.

Class Times

We will meet Fridays from 1:00pm - 1:50pm in ECEB 2013.


Your grade in this class is based entirely on attendance, which will be taken each time we meet. You are expected to attend all seminars, but up to two unexcused absences will be permitted.

Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Student Code (https://studentcode.illinois.edu) is considered a part of this syllabus.