CS573 - Graduate Algorithms - Fall 2012

Instructor: Sariel Har-Peled (sariel [at] uiuc [dot] edu)
     Office Hour: Friday 2-3pm
     Office : 3306 Siebel Center
TA: Ben Raichel (raichel2 [at] uiuc [dot] edu)
     Office hours: Thursday 3-4pm.
TA: David Holcomb (dholcom2 [at] illinois [dot] edu)
     Office hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm
     Online students office hours: Friday 2:30-3:30pm.

Questions, queries, etc:

Questions should be posted to Piazza. The key access to piazza is available on Moodle (do not share this key with people outside the class). If you have a personal question in nature, contact the instructor or TA.

Notice, that piazza enable you to ask questions anonymously. I would like to encourage you to do so, if it would make it easier for you to ask the question.


The newsgroups are dead, may they rest in peace. They are not going to be used this semester.
Last modified: Thu Aug 29 16:43:53 CDT 2013