Phase I. Survey Report Outline: At most 3 pages, 12 point font (submissions violating these will be penalized!)
Recommended structure for Survey Report (both Research Projects and Entrepreneurial Projects) is:
Survey Submission Instructions: The Survey Report Deadline is March 2, 2025, 11.59 PM. At most 3 pages for main material + 1 page Business plan if applicable + any number of pages for references, 12 point font. You can use any number of pages for references. The extra 1 page is only to be used for the business plan (submissions violating these will be penalized!). The 3 pages does not include references. We recommend you use existing style files like from ACM or Usenix, or IEEE (Please ensure you use 12 pt font (some of these style files use smaller font by default)!).
To submit your report, do the following by 11.59 PM on March 2, 2025: email to Indy (only) your survey report as an email attachment (pdf only) with Subject line "525 Survey". Inside the email, also include your group number.
What is a Business Plan? Sabeer Bhatia, inventor of, best answers it this way:
"A business plan is nothing more than your own communication to a person not sitting in front of you-an imaginary person who will read it. Try to answer every possible question that that person could raise. That's the description of a business plan, really. I didn't take any formal lessons. I just sat down and I wrote about the problem we were trying to solve, and in two paragraphs I described the World Wide Web and how it had grown and what its future potential could be. I said, this is the problem today that we are trying to address, this is how we hope to address it, with this idea. This is how we hope to monetize it and this is what page impressions are able to fetch you in the print world. If you translate it into the online world, this is how it will happen. And that's it, that was the core of our business plan."
Phase II. Midterm Report: Most of your project's formative work and initial coding and experimental results will happen between the survey report submission and midterm report submission. The midterm report must contain preliminary results from your implementation, which means that ideas, part of your implementation, and part of your experiments must be completed by the midterm report time. A midterm report that contains only vague ideas or just ideas but no experimental results, is insufficient, and will receive low points. We will be using double-blind reviewing for the midterm report, for both research projects and entrepreneurial projects. This means that (1) when you submit your midterm report, you should not include your name(s) anywhere in the midterm report, nor reference any of your prior work (if you need to cite this work, you can mark the reference as xxx); (2) your midterm will be peer-reviewed by 3 other anonymous students in the class, whose identities you will not know. (1) is necessary to preserve fairness of reviews and prevent reviewer bias, while (2) is needed to preserve anonymity of reviewers. Indy and the TA will be the only ones to know which report was submitted by which group, and the who reviewers were.
Entrepreneurial projects must include an updated business plan.
Please note that if your midterm report is not anonymous, it will be returned without being graded. Similarly, if your midterm review (instructions later) is not anonymous, you will not get credit for it.
Your midterm report needs to have (1) some algorithms, (2) some initial implementation, and (3) most importantly, some initial experimental data (mandatory!). While writing the midterm report, you may want to think about, and address the following questions head-on about your work:
Please ensure that your plots print ok on black and white printouts. It is ok to use color, but you cannot solely rely on color to distinguish datapoints or datalines.
Midterm Report Submission Instructions: The Midterm Report Deadline is April 6, 2025 (Sunday), 11.59 PM. At most 8 pages for the main material + 1 pages Business plan if applicable + any number of pages for the references, 12 point font - the 1 extra page is only to be used for the business plan (submissions violating these will be penalized!). The 8 pages does not include references. We will use HotCRP for managing the whole submission process. All students -- Upload your midterm report along with the requested information using the link posted on Piazza.
Midterm Review Form: Will be available on HotCRP. Please accept the HotCRP Program Committee (PC/TPC) invite asap, otherwise we will not be able to assign reviews and you will lose points.
Midterm Review Submission Instructions: The Midterm Review Deadline is April 13, 2025 (Sunday), 11.59 PM. You will receive your review assignments via mail from HotCRP which will have review submission instructions.
Phase III. Final Report: A conference-quality paper (for research projects), or the final documentation for your venture (entrepreneurial projects). Focus on the same Questions 0 through 6 above for the midterm report, as well a pay attention to:
Please ensure that your plots print ok on black and white printouts. It is ok to use color, but you cannot solely rely on color to distinguish datapoints or datalines.
Final Report Submission Instructions: The Final Report Deadline is May 11, 2025 (Sunday), 11.59 PM. At most 12 pages for main material + 1 page for Business plan if applicable + any number of pages for references, 12 point font - the extra page is only to be used for the business plan (submissions violating these will be penalized!). The 12 pages does not include references. All Student groups -- Submit your final report by emailing BOTH AND cc-ing both TAs and, with the subject line ''CS525 Final Report''. Please cc all team members so that the feedback can be sent back to all by Indy. DO NOT upload your final report on HotCRP/midterm submission system.