These figures show, in order, (1) a peer to peer system (Gnutella), (2) a datacenter, (3) a sensor network, (4) the Internet ISP topology.


CS 525 Spring 2015

Advanced Distributed Systems

[Tuesdays and Thursdays] @ [3.30 PM - 4.45 PM] @ [DCL 1310]


Instructor: Dr. Indranil Gupta ("Indy"), indy at illinois dawt edu, 3112 SC.

Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.45 pm - 5.30 pm (class days only) in 3112 SC.

TA: Mainak Ghosh, mghosh4 at illinois dawt edu, Office hours by appointment.

Class Discussion Forum: Piazza

Important Links and Handouts

>> Schedule / Paper Presentations and Reviews [htm] <<

Course Information [pdf]  

Doing Presentations and Writing Reviews



COURSE SURVEY (for students)

Project Idea Starters, Resources and Interesting Links [htm]  writing your term paper/project survey/midterm/final report [htm]

Structuring Your Project Code [pdf]



This is a course on distributed systems. It brings together research centered in cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems, distributed algorithms and on sensor networks. The course reviews classical work in these scattered areas of distributed computing research, and explores overlaps across them. The course has one semester-long project that is aimed at producing either an entrepreneurial effort for industry or  a conference/workshop-quality research paper. The entrepreneurial effort must make a technological case and a reasonable business case for innovation in today's world. The paper must address an open research problem, prove bounds and/or propose new algorithms, and contain analytical and experimental evaluation. Previous course projects have had high success rates at conferences/workshops (see past CS525/CS598IG projects at the bottom of this page). Three to five "best projects'' at the end of the semester will be earmarked for expedited submission to a renowned conference, with the help of the instructor's involvement even after the semester is over. 

Experimental Testbeds: Students will be given credits on the Google Cloud Platform - they are limited, so use them wisely! Students can also request course staff for a PlanetLab slice, or Emulab project, or CCT (Cloud Computing Testbed) account (there are limited number of slots available for each: about 5 projects on each testbed). Therefore, (1) all requests will be granted on an as-needed basis, and (2) you will be given an account on typically only one of these testbeds, so please choose carefully depending on your project requirements!

This course is now over. You should have received comments on your final report from Indy via email. You will hear about your course grade directly from the University. Have a great summer!

Best Project Reports (Research), in alphabetical order:

Best Project Reports (Entrepreneurial), in alphabetical order:

Latest News

1/7: Course web page online. Happy New Year 2015!

Policies on Ethics, Attribution and Cheating

A Sampling of Past CS525/CS598IG Projects that were Subsequently Published in Conferences/Journals (check for copies of papers)

Some Spring 2014 CS525 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2013 CS525 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2010 CS525 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2009 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2008 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2007 CS525 Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Spring 2006 CS598IG Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

Some Fall 2004 CS 598IG Project Papers that became conference/journal papers

(C) Indranil Gupta, 2003 - 2015.