CS498MP: Logic
Spring 2014 Madhusudan Parthasarathy
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic
, by H. B. Enderton; the link gives an online copy of the book using your netid/password.
On the unusual effectiveness of logic in computer science
, by Harper, Halpern, Immerman, Kolaitis, Vardi, and Vianu.
An Introduction to Logic
, by Madhavan Mukund and S. P. Suresh
Calculus of Computation
, by Bradley and Manna
Available from Springer's website from university domain.
Moshe Vardi's course on logic in computer science; see Lecture Notes
The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers by Sharad Malik (slides)
. See also
related paper
Kumar's lecture notes
, Lecture 2 and Lecture 3 on MSO on finite words and its equivalence with regular languages (In Chapter 3, omit Section 1 on Stratification of FO formulas).
Languages, Automata, and Logic
by Wolfgang Thomas.
Elements of Finite Model Theory
by Leonid Libkin.