CS 473: Head-banging Sessions

Every on-campus student must register for one of the five head-banging (aka discussion) sessions.

Head-banging sessions are opportunities for you to practice your problem-solving and presentation skills. You will work in small groups (no more than 5-6 students each) to solve problems that we suggest, with feedback and suggestions from the TAs. The TAs may also review some material from lectures as necessary.

We are happy to provide feedback on your attempted solutions—that's precisely what the head-banging sessions are for. However, we do not plan to provide official solutions to the head-banging problems, either during the sessions, on the course web site, or during office hours. We encourage you to present your own solutions to your section. Presenting your solutions will help you master the course material (so you'll do better on later homeworks and exams) and develop your presentation skills (for later oral homeworks).

We encourage you to ask questions about head-banging problems in office hours and on the course newsgroup, and to continue working on them on your own and with your study partners.

Generally you should attend the HBS session that you registered for. This helps keep the load balanced. If you do wish to change, please contact the TAs.

Webpage contents generously borrowed/copied from those of Jeff Erickson.