CS446: Machine Learning (Spring 2018)
Course Information
The goal of Machine Learning is to build computer systems that can adapt and learn from data. In this course we will cover three main areas, (1) discriminative models, (2) generative models, and (3) reinforcement learning models. In particular we will cover the following: linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, deep nets, structured methods, learning theory, kMeans, Gaussian mixtures, expectation maximization, Markov decision processes, Q-learning.
Pre-requisites: Probability, linear algebra, and proficiency in Python.Recommended Text: (1) Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy, (2) Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, (3) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop, (4) Graphical Models by Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman.
For 3 credit students: ```max(0.5*\text{Final} + 0.5*\text{Homework}, 0.25*\text{Midterm} + 0.25*\text{Final} + 0.5*\text{Homework})```
For 4 credit students: ```0.25*\text{Midterm} + 0.25*\text{Final} + 0.5*\text{Homework}```
The lowest homework grade will be dropped; We do not accept late homework.Communication: To share information, please use Piazza for all communications.
Note: This syllabus is subject to change.
Instructors & Teaching Assistants
Event | Date | Description | Materials |
Lecture 1 | Jan. 16 | Intro to Machine Learning | [Link] |
Assignments Assigned | Jan. 16 | All Homework Assignments Released | [Link] |
Lecture 2 | Jan. 18 | Linear Regression | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Jan. 23 | Assignment 1 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 3 | Jan. 23 | Logistic Regression | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Jan. 25 | Assignment 1 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 4 | Jan. 25 | Optimization Primal | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Jan. 30 | Assignment 2 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 5 | Jan. 30 | Optimization Dual | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 1 | Assignment 2 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 6 | Feb. 1 | Support Vector Machine | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 6 | Assignment 3 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 7 | Feb. 6 | Multiclass Classification and Kernel Methods | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 8 | Assignment 3 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 8 | Feb. 8 | Deep Nets 1 (Backpropagation) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 13 | Assignment 4 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 9 | Feb. 13 | Deep Nets 2 (Activation Functions and Layers) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 15 | Assignment 4 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 10 | Feb. 15 | Ensemble Methods (Boosting/Random Forest/Deep Nets) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 20 | Assignment 5 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 11 | Feb. 20 | Structured Prediction (exhaustive search, dynamic programming) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 22 | Assignment 5 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 12 | Feb. 22 | Structured Prediction (ILP, LP relaxation, message passing, graph cut) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Feb. 27 | Assignment 6 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 13 | Feb. 27 | Conditional Random Fields, Structured SVM, Deep Structured Methods) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Mar. 1 | Assignment 6 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 14 | Mar. 1 | Learning Theory | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Mar. 6 | Assignment 7 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 15 | Mar. 6 | Learning Theory | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Mar. 8 | Assignment 7 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Review | Mar. 8 | Midterm Review | [Link] |
Exam | Mar. 13 | Midterm | [Link] |
Lecture 16 | Mar. 15 | [Link] | |
No Lecture | Mar. 20 | Spring Break | [Link] |
No Lecture | Mar. 22 | Spring Break | [Link] |
NO Assignment Due | Mar. 27 | [Link] | |
Lecture 17 | Mar. 27 | k-Means | [Link] |
NO Assignment Due | Mar. 29 | [Link] | |
Lecture 18 | Mar. 29 | Gaussian Mixture Models | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 3 | Assignment 8 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 19 | Apr. 3 | Expectation-Maximization (E-M) | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 5 | Assignment 8 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 20 | Apr. 5 | Hidden Markov Models; Intro to GANs | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 10 | Assignment 9 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 21 | Apr. 10 | Generative Adversarial Networks | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 12 | Assignment 9 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 22 | Apr. 12 | Variational Auto-Encoders | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 17 | Assignment 10 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 23 | Apr. 17 | Autoregressive Methods | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 19 | Assignment 10 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 24 | Apr. 19 | Markov Decision Process | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 24 | Assignment 11 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 25 | Apr. 24 | Q-Learning | [Link] |
Assignment Due | Apr. 26 | Assignment 11 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Lecture 26 | Apr. 26 | Policy Gradient, Actor-Critic | [Link] |
Assignment Due | May 1 | Assignment 12 Written Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Review | May 1 | Final Review | [Link] |
Assignment Due | May 3 | Assignment 12 Programming Due (11:59AM Central Time) | [Link] |
Exam | May 11 | Final Exam (7:00PM) | [Link] |