CS 440/ECE 448
Fall 2024
Margaret Fleck
Quiz 4 skills list
The quiz will cover material through Linear Classifiers
MP practicalities
Questions related to what you built in MP 6 and 7.
Computer vision
Image formation
- Image formation (pinhole camera, real lenses, human eye)
- Digitization (computer, human, including color)
- Edge detection, segmentation
Relating 2D to 3D: why might an object look different in two pictures?
- Identifying/naming objects in a picture
- Localizing/registering objects within a picture
- Visual question answering, captioning, semantic role labelling for a picture
Reconstructing 3D geometry
- why is it useful?
- from multiple 2D views of a scene
- from a single picture
Other tasks
- Image generation
- Predicting the future
Classifier Overview
Know brief facts about the following people and systems/models:
- William Labov
- The BERT language model
- CFAR-10 dataset
General design
- Uses for classification: labelling objects, making decisions
- Multi-layer systems
- What can we tune?
- parameters (e.g. weights)
- hyper-parameters (e.g. tuning constants)
- design, network topology
- Challenges with determining the correct answer
- how specific/general should the class label be?
- unfamiliar objects, unfamiliar words
- context may affect best label to choose
- deciding what's important in complex scenes, extended sentences
- Data for supervised training
- "gold" answers
- Noise in "correct" answers/annotation
- Annotators with limited training
- Data scraped off the web
- Data available only for final output of system
- Workarounds of limited training data
- Re-purposing layers trained for another purpose
- Creating training pairs by removing information
- Self-supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised methods
- Batch vs. incremental training
K-nn and Decision Trees
Specific techniques
- k-nearest neighbors (how it works, what happens if you change k)
- L1 vs. L2 norm
- Decision trees, random forests
- Entropy: definition, how it relates to evaluating possible splits in a decision tree
- "Linearly separable"
- Basics of how perceptrons work
- Replacing bias with an extra weight
- Overall training algorithm (e.g. epochs, random processing order)
- Rule for updating perceptron weights
- Limitations of perceptrons and ways to address them
- Multi-class perceptrons
- Comparison to Naive Bayes
Linear Classifiers
- Sample activation functions. Know the equations for sigmoid and ReLU.
- Sample loss functions (e.g. 0/1, L1, L2, cross-entropy)
- What are we minimizing when we adjust the weights?
(composition of weighted feature sum, activation function, loss function)
- Adjusting weights for a differentiable unit using
gradient descent.
- Main update equation (not details of all the derivatives)
- Why do we need activation and loss functions differentiable?
- One-hot representations
- Softmax